goodboy / tractor

A distributed, structured concurrent runtime for Python (and friends)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Type annotating `Context.open_stream()` (probably with `msgspec.Struct` subtype(s)) :sunglasses: #365

Open goodboy opened 11 months ago

goodboy commented 11 months ago

After having seen this style in anyio's latest release:

which it turns out, trio also already supports this :boom: (well via trio_typing),

ANNDDD apparently since it's being proposed more generally for typing functions!

I think doing the same (at least) for our MsgStreams would be super nice (and) as it pertains to eventual plans for static msg typing in #36 and #196 :surfer:!

proto API

typed msging API would probably be something like:

# theoretical API exposing `msgspec.Struct` subtype B)
from tractor.msg import Msg

# only this msg is allowed to be sent from `Context.started()`
class StartupMsg(Msg):  # a `msgspec.Struct` subtype
    allowed_startup_attr: str

# only this msg is allowed to be sent from `Context.send()`
class StreamMsg(Msg):  # a `msgspec.Struct` subtype
    key: str
    value: float

@tractor.context[StartupMsg]  # is this useful?
async def stream_ctx_er_sumthin(

    ctx: tractor.Context[StartupMsg],  # which is better (see above)?

) -> None:
    await ctx.started(StartupMsg(allowed_startup_attr='yeye'))

    async with ctx.open_stream[StreamMsg]() as stream:
        await stream.send(StreamMsg(key='yo', value=69))

        # should error immediately here or on rx end?
        await stream.send(dict(key='yo', value=69))