Recently, I want to test alphageometry could solve a probelm in USA TSTST 2016, it can be translated into input as:
a b c = triangle a b c; d = incenter d a b c; e = foot e d b c; f = foot f d a c; g = foot g d a b; h = foot h e f g; i = circle i a d b; j = circle j a d c; k = on_circle k i a, on_circle k d e; l = intersection_cc l d i k; m = on_circle m j a, on_circle m d e; n = intersection_cc n d j m; o = circle o b m n; p = circle p c k l; q = on_circle q o b, on_circle q p c; r = intersection_cc r o p q; s = intersection_ll s q r h e; x = midpoint x f g; y = midpoint y g e; z = midpoint e f; w = on_line w a e, on_line w b f ? cong s h s e
This was included A-W points, however, alphageometry can't generate new auxilary point to this problem, I guess, it may be due to max_decode limit.
Thus I wonder, whethter the max_decode_len influence this, but it seems doesn't work.
ERROR: point u already exists.
ERROR: point u already exists.
ERROR: point u already exists.
ERROR: point u already exists.
ERROR: point u already exists.
ERROR: point u already exists.
ERROR: point t already exists.
ERROR: point t already exists.
Recently, I want to test alphageometry could solve a probelm in USA TSTST 2016, it can be translated into input as:
This was included A-W points, however, alphageometry can't generate new auxilary point to this problem, I guess, it may be due to max_decode limit. Thus I wonder, whethter the max_decode_len influence this, but it seems doesn't work.
and the this corresponds as follows: