google-deepmind / open_spiel

OpenSpiel is a collection of environments and algorithms for research in general reinforcement learning and search/planning in games.
Apache License 2.0
4.16k stars 917 forks source link

Trying to install inside docker-container #419

Closed Mithrandir2k18 closed 3 years ago

Mithrandir2k18 commented 3 years ago

I am trying to install basing from other docker containers that provide PyTorch/Tensorflow-GPU respectively. However during build I get this error:

Processing /openspiel
    ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
     command: /opt/conda/bin/python3 -c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '"'"'/tmp/pip-req-build-bxhybq6u/'"'"'; __file__='"'"'/tmp/pip-req-build-bxhybq6u/'"'"';f=getattr(tokenize, '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__);'"'"'\r\n'"'"', '"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' egg_info --egg-base /tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-6hyshm0a
         cwd: /tmp/pip-req-build-bxhybq6u/
    Complete output (1 lines):
    error in pyspiel setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers; Parse error at "'+git://g'": Expected stringEnd
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output.


FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libx11-dev curl gnupg2 git python3-setuptools clang-10 python3-dev sudo python3-wheel make cmake gcc g++
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get -y install tzdata
# Install pip
RUN curl -o && python; rm
# Install Python dependencies
RUN pip install --upgrade pynput PyYAML numpy matplotlib nox cmake

## Install Open_Spiel
RUN git clone /openspiel
WORKDIR /openspiel
RUN git checkout tags/v0.1.0 -b build
RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools testresources
RUN yes | ./
RUN python3 -m pip install .
RUN nox -s tests
lanctot commented 3 years ago

I believe it's because back then we had dm-haiku listed as a git link since there was no pip package.

I think it should be as easy as replacing the last line in requirements.txt from:



dm-haiku == 0.0.1

lanctot commented 3 years ago

Any luck @Mithrandir2k18 ?

Mithrandir2k18 commented 3 years ago

2 of the tests fail, but if I skip the tests I can build the container now and run the example of the and print the terminal state at the end without any problems.

Find below the working Dockerfile and the output of the tests.


FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libx11-dev curl gnupg2 git python3-setuptools clang-10 python3-dev sudo python3-wheel make cmake gcc g++
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get -y install tzdata
# Install pip
RUN curl -o && python; rm
# Install Python dependencies
RUN pip install --upgrade pynput PyYAML numpy matplotlib nox cmake

## Install Open_Spiel
RUN git clone /openspiel
WORKDIR /openspiel
RUN git checkout tags/v0.1.0 -b build
RUN sed -i '$ d' requirements.txt && cat requirements.txt && echo "dm-haiku == 0.0.1" >> requirements.txt && cat requirements.txt
RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools testresources
RUN yes | ./
RUN python3 -m pip install .
# RUN nox -s tests

Tests Output. Uncomment the last line of dockerfile to run tests during build.

Using /openspiel/.nox/tests/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Finished processing dependencies for pyspiel==0.0.1rc2
nox > cd build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7
nox > ctest -j96 --output-on-failure
Test project /openspiel/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7
        Start   1: best_response_test
        Start   2: cfr_test
        Start   3: cfr_br_test
        Start   4: corr_dist_test
        Start   5: deterministic_policy_test
        Start   6: evaluate_bots_test
        Start   7: external_sampling_mccfr_test
        Start   8: get_all_states_test
        Start   9: get_legal_actions_map_test
        Start  10: history_tree_test
        Start  11: is_mcts_test
        Start  12: matrix_game_utils_test
        Start  13: minimax_test
        Start  14: outcome_sampling_mccfr_test
        Start  15: state_distribution_test
        Start  16: tabular_exploitability_test
        Start  17: tensor_game_utils_test
        Start  18: trajectories_test
        Start  19: benchmark_game_test
        Start  20: cfr_example_test
        Start  21: example_test
        Start  22: matrix_example_test
        Start  23: mcts_example_test
        Start  24: value_iteration_example_test
        Start  25: backgammon_test
        Start  26: blotto_test
        Start  27: breakthrough_test
        Start  28: bridge_test
        Start  29: catch_test
        Start  30: chess_test
        Start  31: cliff_walking_test
        Start  32: coin_game_test
        Start  33: connect_four_test
        Start  34: coop_box_pushing_test
        Start  35: coordinated_mp_test
        Start  36: cursor_go_test
        Start  37: deep_sea_test
        Start  38: efg_game_test
        Start  39: first_sealed_auction_test
        Start  40: gin_rummy_test
        Start  41: go_test
        Start  42: goofspiel_test
        Start  43: havannah_test
        Start  44: hex_test
        Start  45: kuhn_poker_test
        Start  46: leduc_poker_test
        Start  47: liars_dice_test
        Start  48: markov_soccer_test
        Start  49: matching_pennies_3p_test
        Start  50: matrix_games_test
        Start  51: negotiation_test
        Start  52: oshi_zumo_test
        Start  53: othello_test
        Start  54: oware_test
        Start  55: pentago_test
        Start  56: phantom_ttt_test
        Start  57: pig_test
        Start  58: quoridor_test
        Start  59: skat_test
        Start  60: tic_tac_toe_test
        Start  61: laser_tag_test
        Start  62: tiny_bridge_test
        Start  63: tiny_hanabi_test
        Start  64: trade_comm_test
        Start  65: y_test
        Start  66: turn_based_simultaneous_game_test
        Start  67: misere_test
        Start  68: coop_to_1p_test
        Start  69: efg_writer_test
        Start  70: normal_form_extensive_game_test
        Start  71: spiel_test
        Start  72: python_api_test
        Start  73: python_playthrough_test
        Start  74: python_action_value_test
        Start  75: python_action_value_vs_best_response_test
        Start  76: python_evaluator_test
        Start  77: python_model_test
        Start  78: python_best_response_test
        Start  79: python_cfr_br_test
        Start  80: python_cfr_test
        Start  81: python_deep_cfr_test
        Start  82: python_discounted_cfr_test
        Start  83: python_double_oracle_test
        Start  84: python_dqn_test
        Start  85: python_eva_test
        Start  86: python_evaluate_bots_test
        Start  87: python_expected_game_score_test
        Start  88: python_exploitability_descent_test
        Start  89: python_exploitability_test
        Start  90: python_fictitious_play_test
        Start  91: python_gambit_test
        Start  92: python_generate_playthrough_test
        Start  93: python_get_all_states_test
        Start  94: python_rl_losses_test
        Start  95: python_lp_solver_test
        Start  96: python_masked_softmax_test
  1/151 Test   #1: best_response_test ................................   Passed    1.49 sec
        Start  97: python_mcts_test
  2/151 Test   #4: corr_dist_test ....................................   Passed    1.50 sec
        Start  98: python_minimax_test
  3/151 Test   #5: deterministic_policy_test .........................   Passed    1.51 sec
        Start  99: python_neurd_test
  4/151 Test   #9: get_legal_actions_map_test ........................   Passed    1.51 sec
        Start 100: python_nfsp_test
  5/151 Test  #13: minimax_test ......................................   Passed    1.53 sec
        Start 101: python_noisy_policy_test
  6/151 Test  #15: state_distribution_test ...........................   Passed    1.53 sec
        Start 102: python_outcome_sampling_mccfr_test
  7/151 Test  #19: benchmark_game_test ...............................   Passed    1.53 sec
        Start 103: python_policy_aggregator_joint_test
  8/151 Test  #21: example_test ......................................   Passed    1.54 sec
        Start 104: python_policy_aggregator_test
  9/151 Test  #22: matrix_example_test ...............................   Passed    1.54 sec
        Start 105: python_policy_gradient_test
 10/151 Test  #35: coordinated_mp_test ...............................   Passed    1.44 sec
        Start 106: python_projected_replicator_dynamics_test
 11/151 Test  #49: matching_pennies_3p_test ..........................   Passed    1.30 sec
        Start 107: python_best_response_oracle_test
 12/151 Test  #63: tiny_hanabi_test ..................................   Passed    1.16 sec
        Start 108: python_strategy_selectors_test
 13/151 Test  #12: matrix_game_utils_test ............................   Passed    1.59 sec
        Start 109: python_generalized_psro_test
 14/151 Test  #20: cfr_example_test ..................................   Passed    1.60 sec
        Start 110: python_rectified_nash_response_test
 15/151 Test  #31: cliff_walking_test ................................   Passed    1.64 sec
        Start 111: python_random_agent_test
 16/151 Test  #37: deep_sea_test .....................................   Passed    1.67 sec
        Start 112: python_rcfr_test
 17/151 Test  #47: liars_dice_test ...................................   Passed    1.74 sec
        Start 113: python_sequence_form_lp_test
 18/151 Test  #56: phantom_ttt_test ..................................   Passed    1.76 sec
        Start 114: python_value_iteration_test
 19/151 Test  #60: tic_tac_toe_test ..................................   Passed    1.81 sec
        Start 115: python_bluechip_bridge_test
 20/151 Test  #64: trade_comm_test ...................................   Passed    1.82 sec
        Start 116: python_bluechip_bridge_uncontested_bidding_test
 21/151 Test  #87: python_expected_game_score_test ...................   Passed    1.65 sec
        Start 117: python_is_mcts_test
 22/151 Test  #75: python_action_value_vs_best_response_test .........   Passed    1.84 sec
        Start 118: python_uniform_random_test
 23/151 Test  #23: mcts_example_test .................................   Passed    2.68 sec
        Start 119: python_alpharank_test
 24/151 Test  #38: efg_game_test .....................................   Passed    2.58 sec
        Start 120: python_alpharank_visualizer_test
 25/151 Test  #67: misere_test .......................................   Passed    2.28 sec
        Start 121: python_dynamics_test
 26/151 Test  #68: coop_to_1p_test ...................................   Passed    2.27 sec
        Start 122: python_heuristic_payoff_table_test
 27/151 Test  #91: python_gambit_test ................................   Passed    2.02 sec
        Start 123: python_utils_test
 28/151 Test  #92: python_generate_playthrough_test ..................   Passed    2.02 sec
        Start 124: python_visualization_test
 29/151 Test  #26: blotto_test .......................................   Passed    2.77 sec
        Start 125: python_catch_test
 30/151 Test  #33: connect_four_test .................................   Passed    2.73 sec
        Start 126: python_cliff_walking_test
 31/151 Test  #36: cursor_go_test ....................................   Passed    2.72 sec
        Start 127: python_data_test
 32/151 Test  #50: matrix_games_test .................................   Passed    2.70 sec
        Start 128: python_tic_tac_toe_test
 33/151 Test  #54: oware_test ........................................   Passed    2.70 sec
        Start 129: python_bot_test
 34/151 Test  #59: skat_test .........................................   Passed    2.71 sec
        Start 130: python_games_bridge_test
 35/151 Test  #45: kuhn_poker_test ...................................   Passed    3.05 sec
        Start 131: python_games_sim_test
 36/151 Test #101: python_noisy_policy_test ..........................   Passed    1.87 sec
        Start 132: python_matrix_game_utils_test
 37/151 Test #111: python_random_agent_test ..........................   Passed    1.73 sec
        Start 133: python_policy_test
 38/151 Test #115: python_bluechip_bridge_test .......................   Passed    1.51 sec
        Start 134: python_pyspiel_test
 39/151 Test #122: python_heuristic_payoff_table_test ................   Passed    0.98 sec
        Start 135: python_rl_environment_test
 40/151 Test #123: python_utils_test .................................   Passed    1.15 sec
        Start 136: python_tensor_game_utils_test
 41/151 Test #116: python_bluechip_bridge_uncontested_bidding_test ...   Passed    1.66 sec
        Start 137: python_file_logger_test
 42/151 Test #118: python_uniform_random_test ........................   Passed    1.53 sec
        Start 138: python_lru_cache_test
 43/151 Test  #52: oshi_zumo_test ....................................   Passed    3.67 sec
        Start 139: python_spawn_test
 44/151 Test  #44: hex_test ..........................................   Passed    4.19 sec
        Start 140: python_examples_bridge_supervised_learning
 45/151 Test  #83: python_double_oracle_test .........................   Passed    3.84 sec
        Start 141: circular_buffer_test
 46/151 Test #121: python_dynamics_test ..............................   Passed    1.85 sec
        Start 142: data_logger_test
 47/151 Test #138: python_lru_cache_test .............................   Passed    0.68 sec
        Start 143: file_test
 48/151 Test #137: python_file_logger_test ...........................   Passed    0.77 sec
        Start 144: json_test
 49/151 Test  #41: go_test ...........................................   Passed    4.57 sec
        Start 145: logger_test
 50/151 Test #125: python_catch_test .................................   Passed    1.97 sec
        Start 146: lru_cache_test
 51/151 Test #127: python_data_test ..................................   Passed    1.90 sec
        Start 147: run_python_test
 52/151 Test  #55: pentago_test ......................................   Passed    4.52 sec
        Start 148: stats_test
 53/151 Test #128: python_tic_tac_toe_test ...........................   Passed    1.91 sec
        Start 149: tensor_view_test
 54/151 Test  #98: python_minimax_test ...............................   Passed    3.46 sec
        Start 150: thread_test
 55/151 Test #126: python_cliff_walking_test .........................   Passed    2.15 sec
        Start 151: threaded_queue_test
 56/151 Test #141: circular_buffer_test ..............................   Passed    0.53 sec
 57/151 Test  #32: coin_game_test ....................................   Passed    5.00 sec
 58/151 Test #139: python_spawn_test .................................   Passed    1.13 sec
 59/151 Test #142: data_logger_test ..................................***Failed    0.50 sec
Spiel Fatal Error: /openspiel/open_spiel/utils/ CHECK_FALSE(file::Exists(dir))

 60/151 Test #143: file_test .........................................   Passed    0.48 sec
 61/151 Test #144: json_test .........................................   Passed    0.41 sec
 62/151 Test #145: logger_test .......................................   Passed    0.43 sec
 63/151 Test #146: lru_cache_test ....................................   Passed    0.43 sec
 64/151 Test #148: stats_test ........................................   Passed    0.38 sec
 65/151 Test #147: run_python_test ...................................***Failed    0.56 sec
/openspiel/.nox/tests/bin/python3: Error while finding module specification for 'open_spiel.utils.run_python_test_file' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'open_spiel')
Spiel Fatal Error: /openspiel/open_spiel/utils/ CHECK_TRUE(RunPython(test_module, {"--return_value", "0"}))

 66/151 Test #150: thread_test .......................................   Passed    0.35 sec
 67/151 Test #149: tensor_view_test ..................................   Passed    0.52 sec
 68/151 Test #151: threaded_queue_test ...............................   Passed    0.45 sec
 69/151 Test #135: python_rl_environment_test ........................   Passed    1.85 sec
 70/151 Test  #17: tensor_game_utils_test ............................   Passed    6.13 sec
 71/151 Test  #74: python_action_value_test ..........................   Passed    5.62 sec
 72/151 Test  #40: gin_rummy_test ....................................   Passed    6.12 sec
 73/151 Test  #46: leduc_poker_test ..................................   Passed    6.67 sec
 74/151 Test  #96: python_masked_softmax_test ........................   Passed    6.26 sec
 75/151 Test #120: python_alpharank_visualizer_test ..................   Passed    4.36 sec
 76/151 Test  #94: python_rl_losses_test .............................   Passed    6.45 sec
 77/151 Test #119: python_alpharank_test .............................   Passed    4.89 sec
 78/151 Test  #51: negotiation_test ..................................   Passed    7.35 sec
 79/151 Test #103: python_policy_aggregator_joint_test ...............   Passed    6.65 sec
 80/151 Test #130: python_games_bridge_test ..........................   Passed    5.27 sec
 81/151 Test   #8: get_all_states_test ...............................   Passed    8.99 sec
 82/151 Test  #27: breakthrough_test .................................   Passed    9.42 sec
 83/151 Test #129: python_bot_test ...................................   Passed    6.56 sec
 84/151 Test  #62: tiny_bridge_test ..................................   Passed    9.96 sec
 85/151 Test  #42: goofspiel_test ....................................   Passed   10.23 sec
 86/151 Test  #29: catch_test ........................................   Passed   10.93 sec
 87/151 Test #104: python_policy_aggregator_test .....................   Passed    9.54 sec
 88/151 Test  #76: python_evaluator_test .............................   Passed   10.75 sec
 89/151 Test  #53: othello_test ......................................   Passed   11.42 sec
 90/151 Test #124: python_visualization_test .........................   Passed    9.07 sec
 91/151 Test #132: python_matrix_game_utils_test .....................   Passed    8.54 sec
 92/151 Test  #84: python_dqn_test ...................................   Passed   11.29 sec
 93/151 Test #108: python_strategy_selectors_test ....................   Passed   11.68 sec
 94/151 Test  #78: python_best_response_test .........................   Passed   12.71 sec
 95/151 Test  #24: value_iteration_example_test ......................   Passed   13.78 sec
 96/151 Test  #86: python_evaluate_bots_test .........................   Passed   13.41 sec
 97/151 Test  #34: coop_box_pushing_test .............................   Passed   14.36 sec
 98/151 Test  #11: is_mcts_test ......................................   Passed   14.59 sec
 99/151 Test  #16: tabular_exploitability_test .......................   Passed   15.17 sec
100/151 Test #100: python_nfsp_test ..................................   Passed   14.17 sec
101/151 Test  #99: python_neurd_test .................................   Passed   14.40 sec
102/151 Test  #85: python_eva_test ...................................   Passed   15.68 sec
103/151 Test  #48: markov_soccer_test ................................   Passed   17.16 sec
104/151 Test  #69: efg_writer_test ...................................   Passed   17.38 sec
105/151 Test  #97: python_mcts_test ..................................   Passed   20.42 sec
106/151 Test  #57: pig_test ..........................................   Passed   22.93 sec
107/151 Test #102: python_outcome_sampling_mccfr_test ................   Passed   21.90 sec
108/151 Test   #6: evaluate_bots_test ................................   Passed   23.44 sec
109/151 Test  #39: first_sealed_auction_test .........................   Passed   23.49 sec
110/151 Test  #25: backgammon_test ...................................   Passed   24.05 sec
111/151 Test  #81: python_deep_cfr_test ..............................   Passed   23.82 sec
112/151 Test #113: python_sequence_form_lp_test ......................   Passed   22.93 sec
113/151 Test #106: python_projected_replicator_dynamics_test .........   Passed   23.53 sec
114/151 Test  #66: turn_based_simultaneous_game_test .................   Passed   25.85 sec
115/151 Test #131: python_games_sim_test .............................   Passed   24.16 sec
116/151 Test  #43: havannah_test .....................................   Passed   27.29 sec
117/151 Test  #58: quoridor_test .....................................   Passed   28.84 sec
118/151 Test #105: python_policy_gradient_test .......................   Passed   29.37 sec
119/151 Test #136: python_tensor_game_utils_test .....................   Passed   27.10 sec
120/151 Test  #95: python_lp_solver_test .............................   Passed   33.44 sec
121/151 Test #117: python_is_mcts_test ...............................   Passed   32.07 sec
122/151 Test #140: python_examples_bridge_supervised_learning ........   Passed   30.95 sec
123/151 Test  #82: python_discounted_cfr_test ........................   Passed   34.97 sec
124/151 Test  #65: y_test ............................................   Passed   35.94 sec
125/151 Test  #10: history_tree_test .................................   Passed   36.44 sec
126/151 Test #107: python_best_response_oracle_test ..................   Passed   35.24 sec
127/151 Test  #30: chess_test ........................................   Passed   38.90 sec
128/151 Test  #73: python_playthrough_test ...........................   Passed   38.57 sec
129/151 Test #112: python_rcfr_test ..................................   Passed   37.64 sec
130/151 Test #110: python_rectified_nash_response_test ...............   Passed   38.63 sec
131/151 Test  #71: spiel_test ........................................   Passed   41.52 sec
132/151 Test  #93: python_get_all_states_test ........................   Passed   43.43 sec
133/151 Test  #14: outcome_sampling_mccfr_test .......................   Passed   47.92 sec
134/151 Test  #70: normal_form_extensive_game_test ...................   Passed   48.41 sec
135/151 Test   #7: external_sampling_mccfr_test ......................   Passed   48.88 sec
136/151 Test  #88: python_exploitability_descent_test ................   Passed   55.65 sec
137/151 Test #134: python_pyspiel_test ...............................   Passed   52.81 sec
138/151 Test   #3: cfr_br_test .......................................   Passed   63.98 sec
139/151 Test  #77: python_model_test .................................   Passed   63.95 sec
140/151 Test #114: python_value_iteration_test .......................   Passed   65.74 sec
141/151 Test  #28: bridge_test .......................................   Passed   68.98 sec
142/151 Test  #18: trajectories_test .................................   Passed   69.26 sec
143/151 Test  #90: python_fictitious_play_test .......................   Passed   69.30 sec
144/151 Test  #79: python_cfr_br_test ................................   Passed   70.81 sec
145/151 Test #109: python_generalized_psro_test ......................   Passed   75.31 sec
146/151 Test   #2: cfr_test ..........................................   Passed   78.94 sec
147/151 Test #133: python_policy_test ................................   Passed   77.93 sec
148/151 Test  #61: laser_tag_test ....................................   Passed   83.02 sec
149/151 Test  #80: python_cfr_test ...................................   Passed   84.53 sec
150/151 Test  #89: python_exploitability_test ........................   Passed   91.16 sec
151/151 Test  #72: python_api_test ...................................   Passed  244.57 sec

99% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 151

Total Test time (real) = 245.07 sec

The following tests FAILED:
        142 - data_logger_test (Failed)
        147 - run_python_test (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
nox > Command ctest -j96 --output-on-failure failed with exit code 8
nox > Session tests failed.
The command '/bin/sh -c nox -s tests' returned a non-zero code: 1
lanctot commented 3 years ago

Ok, cool. Both of these tests interact with the filesystem in non-trivial ways, so my guess is the container setup is preventing such access (possibly that access needs to be enabled somehow, not an expert here).

If all the others are passing, you should be ok now. So, I will close this as fixed but please re-open if you have other problems.