Closed powerbroker closed 9 years ago
Do you have a test showing it behaves this way? It shouldn't (and AFAIK doesn't).
Here is the simple project demonstrating this. Required libs: guava-osgi-11.0.1.jar guice-4.0-no_aop.jar javax.inject-1.jar
Console output:
Injection of not annotated type: Failure: Separate instances! Injection of annotated with @Singleton type: As expected: Single instance.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- package bugsample.kernel; import bugsample.kernel.ui.NavBackAction; import bugsample.kernel.ui.StatePanel; import; import;
public class Controller {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Injector objRegistry;
objRegistry = Guice.createInjector(new KernelModule());
StatePanel cgc = new StatePanel();
NavBackAction a = new NavBackAction();
System.out.println("Injection of not annotated type:");
if(cgc.getMachine() != a.getMachine()){
System.out.println(" Failure: Separate instances!");
} else {
System.out.println(" As expected: Single instance.");
System.out.println("Injection of annotated with @Singleton type:");
if(cgc.getSMachine() != a.getSMachine()){
System.out.println(" Failure: Separate instances!");
} else {
System.out.println(" As expected: Single instance.");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
package bugsample.kernel;
public class KernelModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
this.bind(Machine.class).toInstance(new Machine
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package bugsample.kernel;
public class Machine
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package bugsample.kernel;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
public class SingletonMachine
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package bugsample.kernel.ui;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import bugsample.kernel.Machine; import bugsample.kernel.SingletonMachine;
public class NavBackAction {
protected Machine<String> machine;
protected SingletonMachine<String> sMachine;
public Machine<String> getMachine() {
return this.machine;
public SingletonMachine<String> getSMachine() {
return this.sMachine;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package bugsample.kernel.ui;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import bugsample.kernel.Machine; import bugsample.kernel.SingletonMachine;
public class StatePanel{
protected Machine<String> machine;
protected SingletonMachine<String> sMachine;
public Machine<String> getMachine() {
return this.machine;
public SingletonMachine<String> getSMachine() {
return this.sMachine;
This is a bit confusing, but is WAI. You can see the issue more clearly if you add a call to binder().requireExplicitBindings()
The problem is you're binding Foo.class
but then injecting Foo<Type>
. Foo
and Foo<Type>
are two different things -- Guice doesn't know anything's bound to Foo<Type>
and tries to create a just-in-time binding for it (resolving to the class & seeing no scoping annotation on it, so creating a new one each time).
Maybe you have an idea how to bind Foo<Type>?
bind(new TypeLiteral<Foo<Type>>() {}).toInstance(new MyFoo())
-- see the Binder javadoc @, specifically the part that mentions TypeLiteral.
The weird syntax is unfortunately required because otherwise the generics data is erased.
Also, @Provides
methods make this a little simpler, just have a method:
@Provides Foo<Type> provideFoo() { return new MyFoo(); }
Thx. It seems @Provides method must be annotated with @Singleton or designed to reuse cached instance to enforce singleton behavior.
The code this.bind(SomeType.class).toInstance(new SomeType()); in AbstractModule subclass causes default "inject-and-forget-instance" behavior. The singleton behavior should be instead since the instance itself(but not a type/constructor/etc.) is provided and there is no easy way to enforce Singleton behavior over .toInstance() binding.
Guice version(MANIFEST.MF) Bundle-Version: 4.0.0 Export-packages:;version="1.4",;version="1.4",;version="1.4",;version="1.4",;version="1.4",;version="1.4"