google / skywater-pdk

Open source process design kit for usage with SkyWater Technology Foundry's 130nm node.
Apache License 2.0
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Add documentation on how to use the SkyWater PDK on the efabless platform #53

Open mithro opened 4 years ago

mithro commented 4 years ago

It would be good to have a how to in the documentation around signing up to the efabless platform and getting started with the open source tools on the SkyWater PDK.

efabless provides machines which are pre-setup including all the open source tooling and this PDK. They also have examples, so it is a very easy way to get started.

RTimothyEdwards commented 4 years ago

@mithro : We do not have the PDK on the efabless platform. We have a preliminary PDK that I built around the original SkyWater files that is on the development server (staff access only). It will need to be redone from the Google/SkyWater repository. I have been waiting for the primitive devices and device models, without which the PDK is useless for anything other than digital synthesis. I can go ahead with the digital-standard-cell-only part of the PDK, but I am still waiting for something to show up in the repo regarding the MOST BASIC INSTRUCTIONS for installing the PDK. As it stands, after cloning the skywater-pdk repo, I see a lot of stuff about what the PDK is, but nothing about how to get it onto a local computer and do something useful with it.

RTimothyEdwards commented 4 years ago

@mithro : In short, I'm waiting for standard cells to appear in the repository along with some instructions on how to get all those files to show up on my computer. I have not seen either yet.

mithro commented 4 years ago

As mentioned on IRC, at the moment you need to add use my fork to see work in progress changes.

The process for getting changes into the repository is; 1) Create your changes 2) Send pull request and have people review the pull request 3) Have the pull request approved and merged

To review a pull request you need to be able to view the work in progress changes.

Here are some helpful examples;

Clone the upstream repository

git clone git+ssh://

Add my fork as a remote

cd skywater-pdk
git remote add mithro git+ssh://
git fetch mithro

Checkout a branch and review

git checkout mithro/liberty -b liberty
git submodule update --init
make timing

Useful links explaining this common workflow

RTimothyEdwards commented 4 years ago

@mithro : Let's just assume for the moment that I, like most people in the world except for a handful of software developers, don't understand all this freaking git pull/fork/clone/remote/fetch/head/origin crap, and that I am barely able to manage to work with git most of the time by having a text file with a few sets of instructions on what to do in some situations, and that when everything gets into a hopeless state, I just delete everything and re-clone. Also, let's assume that I am not going to make any progress on my part of the project until the repository is in a state such that I can make a simple set of instructions to follow that will get me files on my computer that I can work with to build out an organized PDK for use with magic/qflow/netgen/etc.

RTimothyEdwards commented 4 years ago