googlearchive / generator-angularfire

Yeoman generator for AngularFire: Angular + Firebase apps
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Require a generator that is installed #62

Closed pret71 closed 8 years ago

pret71 commented 8 years ago

When I try to generate file I have this error message: You don't seem to have a generator with the name angularfire:common:C:\Users\pret_ppa\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\generator-angularfire\app\index.js installed. You can see available generators with npm search yeoman-generator and then install them with npm install [name]. To see the 30 registered generators run yo with the --help option.

If I run "yo with the --help option" here it is the result and angularfire:common generator is in the list

Available Generators: angular common constant controller decorator directive factory filter main provider route service value view angularfire common constant controller decorator directive factory filter main provider route service value view gulp-angularfire


katowulf commented 8 years ago

Running yo angularfire works for me using the latest (1.0.0). Will need more info to reproduce and recommend a solution.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I can reliably reproduce this. I am unable to use the generator even with the newest npm installed. I get same errors as OP.

It first fails at generator-karma as an unmet peer dependency, then if you install everything manually, it goes through the first few questions of the angularfire yeoman generator then errors out as follows:

Error angularfire

You don't seem to have a generator with the name angularfire:common:/home/codio/workspace/node_modules/generator-angu larfire/app/index.js installed.
You can see available generators with npm search yeoman-generator and then install them with npm install [name].
To see the 15 registered generators run yo with the --help option.

katowulf commented 8 years ago

At a minimum, we'll need version info for all relevant components (generator-angularfire, yoeman, npm, node), exact steps to reproduce including answers to the prompts, and the full output from the CLI interactions. npm list -g and npm list would be a good starting point. If anything here isn't the latest, start with an upgrade.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Here's another thread with many users reporting the same issue on the angular generator.

ghost commented 8 years ago

The angular generator issue has been resolved by reinstalling yo. Apparently a problematic version had been published causing problems for everyone.

pret71 commented 8 years ago

here it is the info of my system SO: windows 10

D:\Sorgenti\Repos\test>node --version v5.2.0 D:\Sorgenti\Repos\test>npm --version 3.3.12 D:\Sorgenti\Repos\test>yo --version 1.5.1

Yeoman Doctor Running sanity checks on your system

√ Global configuration file is valid √ NODE_PATH matches the npm root √ Node.js version √ No .bowerrc file in home directory √ No .yo-rc.json file in home directory √ npm version

Everything looks all right!

pret71 commented 8 years ago

so Her it is my step: I remove node and all packages I installed node stable release v4.2.4 I installed package bower (1.7.1), gulp (3.9.0), grunt grunt-cli (0.1.13) I installed yeoman (1.5.1) I launched yo doctor and it said me npm is an older version I reinstall last version npm (3.5.2) I installed generator-webapp (1.1.0) I installed generator-karma (1.0.1) I installed generator-angular (1.0.0) and it return 3 warning npm WARN deprecated CSSselect@0.4.1: the module is now available as 'css-select' npm WARN deprecated CSSwhat@0.4.7: the module is now available as 'css-what' npm WARN generator-angularfire@1.0.0 requires a peer of generator-karma@>=0.9.0 but none was installed. I ignored the warning and then I create a app dir launching: yo angularfire testApp with this option: ? Firebase instance ( XXXXXXXXXXX ? Include Firebase auth and account tools? Yes ? Which providers shall I install? Twitter ? Would you like to use Sass (with Compass)? No ? Would you like to include Bootstrap? Yes ? Which modules would you like to include? (Press to select)

() angular-animate.js ( ) angular-aria.js () angular-cookies.js () angular-resource.js ( ) angular-messages.js () angular-route.js () angular-sanitize.js () angular-touch.js

Now it works for me Thanks

katowulf commented 8 years ago

Reading over the threads on generator-angular, and the subsequent bug against Yoeman itself, it looks like this is in fact a Yoeman issue and is version-specific. @pmenocal has the correct solution, I think. It would be nice to know what the problematic version is; I couldn't tell that from the threads.