googlecodelabs / android-build-an-app-architecture-components

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9. Introduction to LiveData and ViewModels - LifecycleActivity #18

Open DefaultXYZ opened 6 years ago

DefaultXYZ commented 6 years ago

LifecycleActivity has been deprecated since android.arch.lifecycle libs are stable version.

Fourth step in introduction to ViewModels can be removed

mfgabriel92 commented 6 years ago

+1. Do it.

WelconeHuang commented 6 years ago


KunalDhyani commented 5 years ago
  1. Introduction to LiveData and ViewModels -->Your Turn: The DetailActivityViewModel -->4.Open ui.detail.DetailActivity. Have DetailActivity extend LifecycleActivity instead of AppCompatActivity.

    :dagger: Yup! That point needs to be Removed. :dagger:

    Reason :