googlemaps / extended-component-library

A set of Web Components from Google Maps Platform
Apache License 2.0
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@googlemaps/markerclusterer use Lit-HTML #24

Open busynest opened 1 year ago

busynest commented 1 year ago

create webcomponents using Lit-HTML for

wangela commented 1 year ago

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busynest commented 1 year ago

let's make it priority. Finally maps work as webcomponents, and this tool seems to be needed by a noob like me.

awmack commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the comment! Any additional information you can give us about your use case? E.g. the framework you're using (if any), any pain points of using the existing library, or a specific piece of pseudocode that includes marker clustering?

busynest commented 1 year ago

I use Lit-Element with Redux, and Redux-Thunk. My bundler was Polymer Build Function, but will be webpack or rollup. I have search results that result as a map marker. once the website goes big, it will be super important to group markers for accessability. The functions I have so far are: Get Markers, Create Marker, Delete Marker. will need to solve Group Markers.

busynest commented 1 year ago

I also noticed that infoWindow take a string as a template. That's weak, because it's like a big RegEx.

busynest commented 1 year ago

The feature would be successful if we could scale to 1 billion active markers that can auto uncluster when zoom.