Closed ShasaLegend closed 6 days ago
Hi yes i understand but it was better when is SSB or the encoder button to change BFO but if you have the sketch in ino can you please send i want to change that code for me to modify. Thanks
Hi, The code is already available in the github. 73, Dave
what is that library font14×24sevenSeg.h?
Hi, It is used for the frequency display as stated in the user manual. 73, Dave
For completeness, I used the table values for the character "0" to manually create the expected pixel result, along with the actual OLED display.
Гораздо лучше, чем менять шаг настройки сделать его переменным. При быстром вращении крутилки *10 при замедлении - возвращать к нормальному. При смене направления вращения - так же возвращать к норме. Для переключения использовать гистерезис.
uint16_t midEconderTikTime; bool g_lastseekDirection; // куда крутили до этого byte n; // коэффициент ускорения кручения byte swithD; // туда сюда
void doFrequencyTune() { if (g_displayOn) {
g_seekDirection = g_encoderCount == 1 ? 1 : 0;
// if ( EconderTikTime > 270) midEconderTikTime += 20;
EconderTikTime = (millis() - g_lastFreqChange); //sid
// midEconderTikTime = midEconderTikTime>>1 + midEconderTikTime>>2 + EconderTikTime>>2; // сглаживающий фильтр
midEconderTikTime = midEconderTikTime / 2 + midEconderTikTime / 4 + EconderTikTime / 4; // сглаживающий фильтр
// if (EconderTikTime < 250)
if (midEconderTikTime < 200) n = 10; //ускорение крутилки
if ( midEconderTikTime > 350) n = 1;
if ( g_lastseekDirection != g_seekDirection)
n = 1;
midEconderTikTime = 500;
if (g_currentMode == FM)
g_currentFrequency += g_tabStep[g_stepIndex] g_encoderCount n;
Hi, Yes, accelerated tuning can be advantageous. There are probably several different options that could be added, but many are perhaps user specific. I decided to add Bluetooth control, so that I can try customising options via an App. Good luck with any changes. 73, Dave
Wait can you make control with cable not with Bluetooth or wia cable and bluetooth? will be nice and a waterfall in that app please make that app with cable connection and updated code
for me i just want waterfall and dbm sensibility show and that's it, can you please show me how to make that app wia cable connection
Hi, I have no plans to release the code. It only provides basic serial monitoring/control. The principle was shown in this thread. If you want to have a waterfall, I suggest you look at something like the ATS-25, which uses the same radio IC, but has a more powerful MCU.
PS; With respect to your previous question
"Hi thanks but i need the name of that library that uses font14×24sevenSeg"
The library is Tiny4kOLED as defined in the code #include
73, Dave
Hi, My understanding is that the author of the firmware (goshante) is busy on other commitments and does not plan updates at the moment.
When tuning in SSB mode, the tuning mechanism automatically uses the BFO as described below.
The BFO adjustment in the settings menu is to allow an offset to be made for calibration so that the receivers displayed frequency matches a known frequency standard.
73, Dave