gosu / releasy

A rake task generator to help with building/packaging/deploying Ruby applications (⚠️ unmaintained)
MIT License
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#wrapper not valid wrapper: vendor/mac-wrapper-0.7.44.tar.gz #35

Open jwoertink opened 11 years ago

jwoertink commented 11 years ago

When I was trying to run rake -T I got this error. I was able to fix this by renaming my wrapper and adding "gosu-" in front of it. I think the name of the file shouldn't matter, just the actual contents.

rake aborted!
#wrapper not valid wrapper: vendor/mac-wrapper-0.7.44.tar.gz
/Users/jeremy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@pcotm/gems/releasy-0.2.2/lib/releasy/builders/osx_app.rb:62:in `generate_tasks'
/Users/jeremy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@pcotm/gems/releasy-0.2.2/lib/releasy/project.rb:265:in `block in generate_tasks'
/Users/jeremy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@pcotm/gems/releasy-0.2.2/lib/releasy/project.rb:264:in `each'
/Users/jeremy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@pcotm/gems/releasy-0.2.2/lib/releasy/project.rb:264:in `generate_tasks'
/Users/jeremy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@pcotm/gems/releasy-0.2.2/lib/releasy/project.rb:194:in `initialize'
/Users/jeremy/Development/gosu/pcotm/Rakefile:5:in `new'
/Users/jeremy/Development/gosu/pcotm/Rakefile:5:in `<top (required)>'
bil-bas commented 11 years ago

The reason for this limitation is because it is the easiest way to ensure that the file is the correct one. If you don't rename the file yourself, then the name is correct (people were downloading the gosu-mac files, not the gosu-mac-wrapper files).

Hopefully I'll get around to making Releasy auto-download the wrapper for you, in 0.3.0, so this shouldn't be an issue in the future.