GPU-Outsourcing Trusted Execution of Neural Network Training
A framework leveraging GPU and Intel SGX to protect privacy of training data, model, and queries while achieving high-performance training and prediction
The details of this project are presented in the following paper:
Goten: GPU-Outsourcing Trusted Execution of Neural Network Training Lucien K. L. Ng, Sherman S. M. Chow, Anna P. Y. Woo, Donald P. H. Wong, Yongjun Zhao To appear in AAAI-21
Install Intel's linux-sgx and linux-sgx-driver. We tested our code on SGX SDK 2.6
Install PyTorch with Python3. You may install it using Anaconda
conda create -n goten python=3.6
conda install pytorch=1.2.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
Make the C++ part of this repo
make -j4
Source your Intel SGK SDK environment. For example
source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment
Run VGG11
If you want to run all 3 non-colluding servers in a local machine, run the following command
python -m python.vgg
If the servers are distributed on different machines, please mark them as S0, S1, and S2, then
S0 run the following command, where IPS0 is the IP address of S0
python -m python.vgg --ip="$IPS0" -s 0
For S1
python -m python.vgg --ip="$IPS0" -s 1
For S2
python -m python.vgg --ip="$IPS0" -s 2
The guide of building and running CaffeSCONE is store in the folder named CaffeSCONE.
This software is a proof-of-concept meant for performance testing of the Goten framework ONLY. It is full of security vulnerabilities that facilitate testing, debugging and performance measurements. In any real-world deployment, these vulnerabilities can be easily exploited to leak all user inputs.
Some parts that have a negligble impact on performance but that are required for a real-world deployment are not currently implemented (e.g., setting up a secure communication channel with a remote client and producing verifiable attestations).
we reuse some code of Slalom (Tramer & Boneh, 2019), including their code of crypgtographicially-secure random number generation and encryption/decryption, and their OS-call-free version of Eigen, a linear algebra library.