govindrai / LPN-Fitness-App

Helps organizations take charge of their people's well being and promote healthier lifestyles through fitness competitions. Built on Node.js
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fitness fitness-tracker health

Lambda Phi Nu Fitness App

Custom Node.js app built for UC Irvine's professional co-ed business fraternity, Lambda Phi Nu (LPN), to support an initiative for having all constituents stay healthy and take charge of personal health.


Although created specifically for LPN and it's specifications, this app is open source under an MIT license. You can use this app in your own organizations and we highly recommend collaboration. Feel free to fork the project and create your own version of the application or submit pull requests to further the app.


LPN is comprised of seven distinct houses: Alexandrite, Emerald, Iolite, Ruby, Sapphire, Sunstone and Topaz. To promote a healthy lifestyle, LPN hosts nine week fitness challenges, where different houses in LPN go head to head every week to compete for most points through various fitness activities with the higher averaging house earning the win. Each team plays one another (first 7 weeks), and the top four teams make it to the playoffs (final two weeks).


Traditionally, the fraternity implemented the competition through Google Sheets. However, as the challenge grew, so did its complexity and time required to manage the program. In additon, the user experience, or lack therof, has been a key factor in deterring participation. Here are some screenshots for perspective:

Old View of Competition Schedule

Old View of Scoreboard

Having once been a part of this fraternity and having web development experience, I saw this as a perfect opportunity to practice my skills and give back to an organization that helped me shape my career and make lifelong friendships.


Technology Stack

Backend & ORM Frameworks Frontend Authentication & Authorization Other
Node.js Express.js Pug.js JSON Web Token Lodash.js
MongoDB Typeahead.js Bcrypt
Mongoose.js SASS
Redis jQuery

Feature Roadmap

Implement secret code during registration
