On the Grails Plugin site, this plugin claims to be supported on versions Grails 1.3.0 and greater. However, due to the addition of the grails.util.Holders class on the XhtmlDocumentService.groovy, this plugin is not supported by any Grails version less than Grails 2.0.
Please update the Plugin description on grails.org/plugin or release a change to version 1.0.0 that makes it compatible with the earlier versions of Grails.
On the Grails Plugin site, this plugin claims to be supported on versions Grails 1.3.0 and greater. However, due to the addition of the grails.util.Holders class on the XhtmlDocumentService.groovy, this plugin is not supported by any Grails version less than Grails 2.0.
Please update the Plugin description on grails.org/plugin or release a change to version 1.0.0 that makes it compatible with the earlier versions of Grails.
Link to page indicating it is compatible with Grails 1.3.0 >: https://grails.org/plugin/rendering?skipRedirect=true