grabbou / atom-xcode

:iphone: Atom is the new Xcode
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there are no stop/play buttons appearing #3

Open faceyspacey opened 8 years ago

faceyspacey commented 8 years ago

everything is a fresh install for me, all the way down to Atom. The React Native dev server properly operates from within Atom.

grabbou commented 8 years ago

Buttons appear as long as you have react-native in node modules according to this line ->

Are you sure you have it in there? (Probably yes)

Also, be aware that currently there are few limitations, including that we do not support multiple projects opened in the same Atom window (we just check the first one).

faceyspacey commented 8 years ago

yea, react-native is in node_modules:

..that's obviously in the node_modules folder within the project. i assume that's what you mean.

grabbou commented 8 years ago

Okey, so I think the issue might be that we are not looking for react-native when you open a new folder from within the atom (it only works if you open the folder initially). Let me fix that.

grabbou commented 8 years ago

Published 0.1.3 to apm, please let me know if that works (temporary fix, the long term plan is to work with multiple projects opened (when you click File -> Add project)).

faceyspacey commented 8 years ago

Awesome, it works now! Just fyi, I had to open a new window and re-add the project, which didn't do it before. Just updating and disabling/re-enabling the package within Atom didn't do it.

...but there's a new issue. the console overlays the whole screen and stays overlayed over everything, i.e. i cant remove it. It looks like this:

Also, is there any way to launch my own connected device like I can do in Xcode. I noticed the react-native run-ios command with the --simulator parameter wouldn't let you select actual devices. Perhaps that's where the limitation resides and you can't do anything about it either. Do you know how to use run-ios to launch on your actual device?

faceyspacey commented 8 years ago

another issue: since the console overlay wouldn't go away, i restarted Atom and now I have 2 sets of buttons: also didn't stop the app on simulator when I closed atom--not sure if it should.

grabbou commented 8 years ago

@faceyspacey that is being targeted in React Native repo to allow run-ios to use device UDID which should allow us to launch connected devices (we will add the support right after that's supported).

Interesting stuff, thanks for the reports. I'll look into them later today :)