graciellehigino / IGNITE

Fun, short, crowdsourced and reproducible SciComm workshop aimed at young scientists.
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Pre-workshop survey #1

Open graciellehigino opened 6 years ago

graciellehigino commented 6 years ago

[why?] We need to understand our public. It is important to know their opinions on Science Communication, whether they do it, whether they don't, and why. We also need to assess what do they need to start doing it or to keep doing it.

[how?] You can help by giving feedback on the questions or the structure of the survey. All the survey is transcripted in the first comment below, and the survey is here.

It is important that the form has:

Here are some tips on making good forms.

You can also help by posting and emailing the questionnaire so we can get a very diverse sample.

We will also need to analyze the data collected prior to the Global Sprint 2018 and, with that, set up an analysis protocol so that the workshop promoters can replicate this assessment.

[what?] Create a survey, colect and analyse data.

graciellehigino commented 6 years ago

Questions that are currently on the survey:

graciellehigino commented 6 years ago

Feedback from Stephanie Wright during the Sprint: I’ve run into the issue of trying to keep identities separate from anonymous surveys… maybe put a link to a different form at the end of the survey so survey reponses can’t be tied to emails for folks who want to be identified when the workshop is ready? Starting out a survey w/ a heavy lift of defining a term at the beginning may turn some folks off the survey, particularly those who don’t know what sci comm is. Maybe even start with “Do you have a definition in mind of what sci comm means?” Then use skip logic to skip a bunch of the following questions that won’t be relevant if they don’t. Might want to consider making the third question checkboxes for multiple selection as folks might have more than one reason. Same with question on “weaknesses"

Note: I've found those suggestions very useful and I'll implement them in the survey after the first "round" of answers (in June).

mlbonatelli commented 6 years ago

I think I have some material that will help us with these questions. I will get back to this.