Open JanuszChmiel opened 3 years ago
About fpGUI UIdesigner with assistive for impaired programmers, maybe you can try _designerext. It is the fpGUI UIdesigner with assistive feature too. Binary release:
You may also try ideU, it is a IDE with assistive feature and also include _fpGUI designerext in his package. Please read _README_voiceassisted.TXT for some instruction about voice assist.
I agree that the _README_voiceassisted.TXT is not easy to understand. It try to explain for a visually impaired programmer how to configure ideU to be voice assisted.
The most easy is to ask once to somebody without view problems to run the program and then click on the "lips" icon. And in menu "Extra settings", set "Enable sak voice assistive at loading" to true. One this done, the program will be voice assistive at loading too.
It is the same for enabling voice assistive for fpGUI _uidesignerext.
In any case, your comment and desire are welcome.
There is even much more severe issue. It is related to FPGUI. Github branch. FPGUI included many examples are NVDA screen reader problematically Accessible. SO I have been overjoyed too soon. There is older FPGUI on SourceForge, which do not create every GUi element with different handle number. But I do not know, if it will help. The sad fact is, that LCL apps, eventhough there are some issues many GUi elements are Accessible. I believe, that once apone time, somebody very advanced from elite Pascal programmers group will create free units compatible witzh Lazarus and Free Pascal compiler, which will allow visually impaired programmers witzh no sight at all to create 100 % screen readers friendly GUIS including hotkeys assignment for every button, reliable focusing, ETC. But I Am aware, that doing that is complex. And especially automated positioning counting for every object is noe easy. But there is concurrent project, Autohotkey. It is written in C but there is build in mathematical formula for auto counting object positions, so object position values are not necessary. Sure, it is interpreter, pseudocompiler, but it allow automated object position counting.
JVCL XP style GUi elements can provide even hotkeys for every object. But it is depend on .lfm forms.
Did you try already MSEgui and his assistive interface? There is a demo "Coupon" that demonstrate MSEgui assistive:
NVDA screen reader problematically Accessible.
Ha, ok, you want to use NVDA. I dont think that it will work correctly, fpGUI has his own reader via sak (speech assistive kit), the same for MSEgui that use for his assistive interface espeak or espeak-ng voice synthesizer..
JVCL XP style GUi elements can provide even hotkeys for every object.
With MSEgui, each elements as "shortcut" and "shortcut2" property.
Dear MR graemeg, Yours GUi toolkit is more than ideal solution for every visually impaired programmers. Because GUI can be created with no need to depend on Lazarus build in form designer. But there is complex issue. What would happen, if visually impaired programmer would not set for example The following values for AN GUI object. SetPosition(196, 8, 188, 16);
Can I occur severe Windows operating system related crash dialog windows? Or my app will only look unusably for The sighted majority, but screen reader could perfectly work with such GUI? Build in GUI designer. Is it accessible with screen reader? Thank you very much for yours advices if there is AN possibility for AN compromise. SO GUI will look atleast acceptably with no need to use object position values.