grafana / grafana-image-renderer

A Grafana backend plugin that handles rendering of panels & dashboards to PNGs using headless browser (Chromium/Chrome)
Apache License 2.0
375 stars 151 forks source link

error="Rendering failed: TypeError: input.on is not a function" #107

Open TryTryAgain opened 4 years ago

TryTryAgain commented 4 years ago

What happened: Rendering fails

What you expected to happen: Rendering to succeed

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): Start the Grafana server, choose a panel and click "Direct link rendered image" and it says Grafana / Server Error... Rendering failed... Check the Grafana server logs for more details.

And the /var/log/grafana/grafana.log contains:

t=2020-02-21T19:19:18+0000 lvl=info msg="HTTP Server Listen" logger=http.server address= protocol=http subUrl=/grafana socket=
t=2020-02-21T19:19:18+0000 lvl=info msg="Renderer plugin started" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-image-renderer grpcHost= grpcPort=37269.000 chromeBin=/var/lib/grafana/plugins/grafana-image-renderer/chrome-linux/chrome ignoreHTTPSErrors=false
t=2020-02-21T19:19:33+0000 lvl=info msg=Rendering logger=rendering renderer=plugin path="d-solo/IEfxMsQWz/new-dashboard-copy-testing?orgId=1&from=1582139966395&to=1582312766395&panelId=2&width=1000&height=500&tz=America%2FChicago"
t=2020-02-21T19:19:33+0000 lvl=dbug msg="calling renderer plugin" logger=rendering renderer=plugin req="url:\"\" width:1000 height:500 timeout:60 timezone:\"America/Chicago\" filePath:\"/var/lib/grafana/png/cATAqusr6z6czMWWu7D7.png\" renderKey:\"b6TaN0tB2KdQS2a9LiYo8wqt37Zc6hXM\" domain:\"\" "
t=2020-02-21T19:19:33+0000 lvl=eror msg="Render request failed" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-image-renderer url="" error="TypeError: input.on is not a function"
t=2020-02-21T19:19:33+0000 lvl=eror msg="Rendering failed." logger=context userId=3 orgId=1 uname=my.user error="Rendering failed: TypeError: input.on is not a function"
t=2020-02-21T19:19:33+0000 lvl=eror msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=3 orgId=1 uname=my.user method=GET path=/render/d-solo/IEfxMsQWz/new-dashboard-copy-testing status=500 remote_addr= time_ms=15 size=1730 referer=""

Anything else we need to know?: It looks like this is likely being caused by the fact that I am using nginx to redirect to with proxypass and the rendering request has a path of path=/render/... which may be the problem? ...because in my case it would need to be path=grafana/render/? I'm not sure where remote_addr is getting populated but maybe it would work if it was the loopback?


marefr commented 4 years ago

You have to save the dashboard first.

TryTryAgain commented 4 years ago

The dashboard was saved, just tried again with a previously saved and unmodified dashboard as well. @marefr What made you think that was the reason for it not working?

marefr commented 4 years ago

Sorry, thought I read /new-dashboardurl.

marefr commented 4 years ago

Please include your Grafana config (replace any sensitive information), specifically interested in your server and rendering settings together with your reverse proxy setup. I think you have to configure the callback_url, see

TryTryAgain commented 4 years ago

@marefr, ah, that's understandable as it was called /new-dashboard-copy-test :)

grafana.ini included below (I've removed all default/unmodified, and I included commented server_url and callback_url of which I did try out with no change):

#################################### Server ####################################
http_addr =
http_port = 3001
root_url =

#################################### Session ####################################
cookie_secure = false
cookie_samesite = disabled

#################################### Security ####################################
allow_embedding = true

#################################### Users ###############################
allow_org_create = true
auto_assign_org = true
default_theme = dark

#################################### GitLab Auth ##########################
enabled = true
allow_sign_up = true
client_id = [REDACTED]
client_secret = [REDACTED]
scopes = api, read_user, openid
auth_url =
token_url =
api_url =

#################################### SMTP / Emailing ##########################
enabled = true
host =
user = some_user
password = secretpassword
skip_verify = true
from_address =
from_name = Our-Grafana
ehlo_identity =

welcome_email_on_sign_up = true

#################################### Logging ##########################
filters = rendering:debug

#################################### Internal Grafana Metrics ##########################
enabled           = true
interval_seconds  = 10

#################################### External image storage ##########################
# Options to configure external image rendering server like
;server_url =
;callback_url =

# here for to support old env variables, can remove after a few months
enable_alpha = false
disable_sanitize_html = true
marefr commented 4 years ago

If you can browse then config should be all good and you have a problem with the image renderer/chromium.

TryTryAgain commented 4 years ago

@marefr I can navigate to the d-solo resulting image, although in my case I have to remove an added /render/ that comes between my subdir//grafana and the /d-solo/.

I have installed all dependencies: yum install [...] results in [...] already installed and latest version Nothing to do.

I will try a variety of versions, have not yet. I'll report back on that...

...but, it works without issue as expected when using custom-chrome-chromium!

marefr commented 4 years ago

@TryTryAgain v1.0.11 is released which enables you to enable verbose logging, for plugin thru environment variable see Please try enabling that and report back Grafana server log output. Thanks

TryTryAgain commented 4 years ago


tail -f /var/log/grafana/grafana.log with bundled chromium, not working:

filters = rendering:debug




t=2020-03-24T01:14:44+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing TracingService" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:14:44+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing UsageStatsService" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:14:44+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing CleanUpService" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:14:44+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing NotificationService" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:14:44+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing provisioningServiceImpl" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:14:44+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing Stream Manager"
t=2020-03-24T01:14:44+0000 lvl=info msg="HTTP Server Listen" logger=http.server address= protocol=http subUrl=/grafana socket=
t=2020-03-24T01:14:45+0000 lvl=info msg="Renderer plugin started" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-image-renderer grpcHost= grpcPort=34432.000 chromeBin=/var/lib/grafana/plugins/grafana-image-renderer/chrome-linux/chrome ignoreHTTPSErrors=false
t=2020-03-24T01:15:51+0000 lvl=info msg=Rendering logger=rendering renderer=plugin path="d-solo/SiI1Ltjmz/test-copy?orgId=1&from=1569287737875&to=1585012537875&var-Account=CloudWatch-AccountA&var-test=All&panelId=2&width=1000&height=500&tz=America%2FChicago"
t=2020-03-24T01:15:51+0000 lvl=dbug msg="calling renderer plugin" logger=rendering renderer=plugin req="url:\"\" width:1000 height:500 timeout:60 timezone:\"America/Chicago\" filePath:\"/var/lib/grafana/png/E65yoAOZv9OchGfjMzj4.png\" renderKey:\"1eyPuMdaUvsVek6iaCgytac2ci6IfIM3\" domain:\"\" "
t=2020-03-24T01:15:51+0000 lvl=eror msg="Render request failed" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-image-renderer url="" error="TypeError: input.on is not a function"
t=2020-03-24T01:15:51+0000 lvl=eror msg="Rendering failed." logger=context userId=4 orgId=1 uname=some.admin error="Rendering failed: TypeError: input.on is not a function"
t=2020-03-24T01:15:51+0000 lvl=eror msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=4 orgId=1 uname=some.admin method=GET path=/render/d-solo/SiI1Ltjmz/test-copy status=500 remote_addr= time_ms=33 size=1730 referer=""
t=2020-03-24T01:15:52+0000 lvl=info msg="Renderer plugin started" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-image-renderer grpcPort=39344.000 chromeBin=/var/lib/grafana/plugins/grafana-image-renderer/chrome-linux/chrome ignoreHTTPSErrors=false grpcHost=

tail -f /var/log/grafana/grafana.log with custom chromium, working:

t=2020-03-24T01:17:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing TracingService" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:17:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing UsageStatsService" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:17:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing CleanUpService" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:17:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing NotificationService" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:17:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing provisioningServiceImpl" logger=server
t=2020-03-24T01:17:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Initializing Stream Manager"
t=2020-03-24T01:17:06+0000 lvl=info msg="HTTP Server Listen" logger=http.server address= protocol=http subUrl=/grafana socket=
t=2020-03-24T01:17:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Renderer plugin started" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-image-renderer grpcHost= grpcPort=46028.000 chromeBin=/usr/bin/chromium-browser ignoreHTTPSErrors=false
t=2020-03-24T01:17:19+0000 lvl=info msg=Rendering logger=rendering renderer=plugin path="d-solo/SiI1Ltjmz/test-copy?orgId=1&from=1569287830720&to=1585012630720&var-Account=CloudWatch-AccountA&var-test=All&panelId=2&width=1000&height=500&tz=America%2FChicago"
t=2020-03-24T01:17:19+0000 lvl=dbug msg="calling renderer plugin" logger=rendering renderer=plugin req="url:\"\" width:1000 height:500 timeout:60 timezone:\"America/Chicago\" filePath:\"/var/lib/grafana/png/xAzP5Tgk2wR40Aj7GeA2.png\" renderKey:\"lJ3nz7FVPiVON2WAKi2XQExiYNxLhF3C\" domain:\"\" "