grails / grails-maven

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Grails 2.4.x breaks maven-based plugin builds #43

Open ryangardner opened 10 years ago

ryangardner commented 10 years ago

The plugin is now calling out to a method called getClassNameForLowerCaseHyphenSeparatedName - that method is designed to take a class that is named like "foo-bar-baz" and turn it into "FooBarBaz".

The problem is that this is precisely the opposite of what used to happen at this line. It used to call out to GrailsNameUtils.getScriptName(GrailsNameUtils.getLogicalName(className, "GrailsPlugin"));

that method takes strings like "FooBarBaz" and turn it into "foo-bar-baz"

The net result of this change is that it wont pass the validator and gives strange errors to us as we try to run it.

Should I just copy the code that used to do the getScriptName method into this mojo?