grantmakers / profiles Profiles - Summary profiles for all US-based foundations who have filed electronic IRS Form 990-PF
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Handle cached site (e.g. Google search cache) #49

Closed chadokruse closed 5 years ago

chadokruse commented 5 years ago

Stitch fails if a visitor is viewing a cached version of the site. Algolia also fails

Most frequently seen

  1. Google cache
  2. Google translate
  3. Visitor downloaded entire site to local folder



a) Can place protection before downloading bundle.js window.location.hostname == ...OR... b) Add to list of allowed domains ...OR... c) Handle in transformAxiosErrorResult method (and provide additional messaging for visitors)

Note: New static tables were pushed to production AFTER many of the pages were cached by Google. Messaging for Algolia will appear after future Googlebot crawls


E.g. Visitors from cached Google Search links

Algolia error response object

   "name": "AlgoliaSearchError"
  "message":"Method not allowed with this referer",