Advanced formatting based on the Neo4j Rest API Http Response format.
Http MessageThe current usage in NeoClient is optional for avoiding backwards incompatible changes, this will become the default formatting service in NeoClient v4.
Enabling the GraphAware's formatting service:
$client = ClientBuilder::create()
From now, all the responses you will receive will be instances of GraphAware\NeoClient\Formatter\Response
$response = $client->sendCypherQuery('MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN n,r');
// here we only expect one result
$result = $response->getResult();
// The result object holds nodes, relationships and table format
$nodes = $result->getNodes();
$relationships = $result->getRelationships();
// If you expect multiple results, like for preparedTransactions
$results = $response->getResults();
// Using the table
$table = $result->getTable();
$rows = $table->getRows();
More doc to come...
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