graphhopper / graphhopper

Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server.
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Roundabout instruction improvement #319

Open jansoe opened 9 years ago

jansoe commented 9 years ago

As a follow up to the implementation of roundabout instructions (#316) some improvements are yet to be implemented:


devemux86 commented 9 years ago

I propose to make public the RoundaboutInstruction.getExitNr to be able to handle more flexible the RoundaboutInstruction (like the others) by getting its elements.

karussell commented 9 years ago

(If so, please rename to getExitNumber :))

devemux86 commented 9 years ago

It would be also helpful if the RoundaboutInstruction's finished and continuedStreet variables get public get methods, since they participate in instruction building.

jansoe commented 9 years ago

please note that isContinuedStreet is already public. I will make getExitNr public and rename it to getExitNumber.

I hesitate to make finished public as it's main purpose is internal consitency control, but you are right it takes part in the instruction building if the goal is within a roundabout. With the upcoming improved roundabout instruction in mind I would introduce an indicator variable that indicates if a roundabout either has to be entered and left | only entered | only left.

devemux86 commented 9 years ago

I know you have mentioned that the roundabout instructions are to be improved. Because right now do we really need the instruction with 0 exit? Isn't confusing for the user?

jansoe commented 9 years ago

Yes I think it might be confusing. But I also think it is a very unusal case that a route is to end within a roundabout and therefore this instruction is temporarly acceptable. I totally agree that the refined instructions should be available as soon as possible, but I also wanted to give the community a chance for feedback.

karussell commented 1 year ago

In general we should probably use "car_access" as reference so that if a bike cannot use the motorway the road is still counted.

On the other hand insignificant roads for car should be somehow ignored: