graphprotocol / graph-tooling

Monorepo for various tools used by subgraph developers.
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`matic` RPC endpoint has been shut down #1755

Closed 0237h closed 3 weeks ago

0237h commented 3 weeks ago

Which packages are impacted by your issue?


Describe the issue

When using the matic network, the public RPC endpoint used, is not working. The URL reads:

Our RPC has been shut down - thank you for 4 years of support!

This makes the startBlock fetching fail. screenshot_2024-11-05_09-18-17


Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

  1. Run graph init flow
  2. Select ethereum
  3. Select matic network
  4. Add any contract
  5. After passing the ABI step, startBlock fetching fails

Expected behavior

Public RPC endpoints should be working.

Screenshots or Videos

No response


@graphprotocol/graph-cli/0.87.0 linux-x64 node-v20.18.0

Subgraph Manifest

No response

Subgraph GraphQL Schema

No response

Additional context

No response