Awesome project you got going here, thanks for keeping this going. I've been using the batch option to allow for batch-GraphQL requests from ApolloClient, but it doesn't seem like there is an easy way to specify what shape I want the data to return in? Correct me if I'm wrong.
For example, currently when sending batch-requests, I get back a JSON array with the data I am interested in nested under a "data" key which is itself nested in a "payload" key.
Awesome project you got going here, thanks for keeping this going. I've been using the batch option to allow for batch-GraphQL requests from ApolloClient, but it doesn't seem like there is an easy way to specify what shape I want the data to return in? Correct me if I'm wrong.
For example, currently when sending batch-requests, I get back a JSON array with the data I am interested in nested under a "data" key which is itself nested in a "payload" key.
I'm hoping I can just get these objects sent back without the data nested in the payload key. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.