What is the expected ordering of parameters after parsing and formatting?
The result I am seeing is somewhat unexpected - nested object keys are sorted alphanumerically but top-level parameters are not. Is this expected and can it be relied on to be deterministic? Thanks
let s = parse_query::<String>(r#"mutation m {doFoo(c: 3, b: 2, d: 3, a: {z: 1, y: 2, x: 3 }, f: [{c: 3, b: 2, a:1}] ){error}}"#).unwrap().to_string();
println!("{}", s);
Hello, What is the expected ordering of parameters after parsing and formatting? The result I am seeing is somewhat unexpected - nested object keys are sorted alphanumerically but top-level parameters are not. Is this expected and can it be relied on to be deterministic? Thanks