green3g / cmv-widgets

Dojo Widgets to extend the functionality of CMV
MIT License
19 stars 29 forks source link

only got the map extent, but the layer is always off when i use the share widget. #9

Closed ERS-Long closed 9 years ago

ERS-Long commented 9 years ago

Please let me know what i miss.

Thanks a lot.


green3g commented 9 years ago

@ERS-Long, are you able to provide a live example of this on a public site?

If not, can you provide your config for the widget?

Also, are you using the latest version of the widget?

ERS-Long commented 9 years ago

Hi, @roemhildtg:

My site is still in our internal server, so i cannot share it.

but here is the config settings:

        settings: {
            include: true,
            id: 'settings',
            position: 17,
            type: 'titlePane',
            canFloat: true,
            path: 'gis/dijit/AppSettings',
            title: '<i class="icon-large

icon-paper-clip">  Save/Share Current Map', options: { //required: map: true, layerControlLayerInfos: true,

             //optional (defaults shown):
             appSettings: {},
             parametername: 'cmvSettings',
             mapRightClickMenu: true,
             address: '',
             subject: 'Share Map',
             body: 'Check out this map! <br /> ',
             emailSettings: ['saveMapExtent', 'savelayerVisibility'],
             shareNode: null,
             shareTemplate: '<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw

fa-envelope-o">Share Map', server: null } },

Yes, I download the latest widget from the github yesterday.

Thanks a lot,


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 6:53 AM, roemhildtg wrote:

@ERS-Long, are you able to provide a live example of this on a public site?

If not, can you provide your config for the widget?

Also, are you using the latest version of the widget?

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green3g commented 9 years ago

Hi @ERS-Long, can you also tell me what types of layers you are using? It would probably be helpful to see your operationalLayers array in your config file. The URL's aren't important so you don't have to include them as they are internal anyways.

ERS-Long commented 9 years ago

Hi, roemhildtg

Thanks a lot.

Here is the layer config portion.

        type: 'dynamic',
        url: '', title: 'R6 RMP Facilities', options: { id: 'R6RMPFacilities', opacity: 1.0, visible: false, imageParameters: imageParameters }, identifyLayerInfos: { layerIds: [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10] }, layerControlLayerInfos: { metadataUrl: true } }, { type: 'dynamic', url: ' ', title: 'R6 FRP Facilities', options: { id: 'R6FRPFacilities', opacity: 1.0, visible: false, imageParameters: imageParameters }, identifyLayerInfos: { layerIds: [0, 1] }, layerControlLayerInfos: { metadataUrl: true } }, { type: 'dynamic', url: '', title: 'Field Activities', options: { id: 'FieldActivities', opacity: 1.0, visible: false, imageParameters: imageParameters }, identifyLayerInfos: { layerIds: [0, 1] }, layerControlLayerInfos: { metadataUrl: true } },

On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:30 PM, roemhildtg wrote:

Hi @ERS-Long, can you also tell me what types of layers you are using? It would probably be helpful to see your operationalLayers array in your config file. The URL's aren't important so you don't have to include them as they are internal anyways.

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green3g commented 9 years ago

I just found the bug. I wasn't having any issues, but after pasting the config from the documentation, I experienced the same issue. There was a typo in the documentation config, in the option for emailSettings, savelayerVisibility should be changed to saveLayerVisibility emailSettings: ['saveMapExtent', 'saveLayerVisibility'],

Good catch!

ERS-Long commented 9 years ago

Hi, roemhildtg:

Thanks a lot for your help. Now i moved forward one step, but got a new problem,

it seems the url is too long, but also when i test the url, (it is something like this


when i test it, i got

HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid.

Please see if you know the issue in this regard.

Thank you again so much for your help.

On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 2:39 PM, roemhildtg wrote:

I just found the bug. I wasn't having any issues, but after pasting the config from the documentation, I experienced the same issue. There was a typo in the documentation config, in the option for emailSettings, savelayerVisibility should be changed to save_L_ayerVisibility emailSettings: ['saveMapExtent', 'saveLayerVisibility'],

Good catch!

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green3g commented 9 years ago

I ran into this issue as well, we are using this widget to save drawings which end up to be 20,000 characters or more... I ended up writing two php scripts to store and retrieve the saved map in a sqlite database. To use it, place the php script on your server somewhere, and then send the option server: 'path/to/index.php' to appSettings.

Note: you have to have php installed and enabled on your server for this.

ERS-Long commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot. Got the php/sqlite in place, and the link is working. I will do more test this coming week.

One thing i noticed is if I clear the google chrome history data, then it seems to me it also deletes the sqlite DB content? i am not very sure about that, but will do more test.

Another thing is the php page does need write permission in the web server folder, is there anyway we can control that or change that?

Anyway that is a wonder approach, thank you very much!


On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 9:36 AM, roemhildtg wrote:

I ran into this issue as well. I ended up writing two php scripts to store and retrieve the saved map in a sqlite database. To use it, place the php script on your server somewhere, and then send the option server: 'path/to/index.php' to appSettings.

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ERS-Long commented 9 years ago

Hi, @roemhildtg

It works beautifully in my test environment.

The only thing or enhancement I would like to have if you could is to store the basemap info in the configure setting. Please let me know if that is in this version or it is something for future enhancement.

Thanks again.

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 9:09 PM, Long Ma wrote:

Thanks a lot. Got the php/sqlite in place, and the link is working. I will do more test this coming week.

One thing i noticed is if I clear the google chrome history data, then it seems to me it also deletes the sqlite DB content? i am not very sure about that, but will do more test.

Another thing is the php page does need write permission in the web server folder, is there anyway we can control that or change that?

Anyway that is a wonder approach, thank you very much!


On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 9:36 AM, roemhildtg wrote:

I ran into this issue as well. I ended up writing two php scripts to store and retrieve the saved map in a sqlite database. To use it, place the php script on your server somewhere, and then send the option server: 'path/to/index.php' to appSettings.

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green3g commented 9 years ago

It's not in this version ootb, but it is easily doable. Just modify the basemap widget to store and retrieve the settings using dojo/topic. See the details here

We did it like this:

], function (declare, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, lang, DropDownMenu, MenuItem, array, functional, template, BasemapGallery, topic, i18n) {

    // main basemap widget
    return declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
        templateString: template,
        widgetsInTemplate: true,
        i18n: i18n,
        mode: 'agol',
        title: i18n.title,
        //baseClass: 'gis_Basemaps_Dijit',
        //buttonClass: 'gis_Basemaps_Button',
        //menuClass: 'gis_Basemaps_Menu',
        mapStartBasemap: 'streets',
        basemapsToShow: ['streets', 'satellite', 'hybrid', 'topo', 'gray', 'oceans', 'national-geographic', 'osm'],
        validBasemaps: [],
        selectedIcon: 'fa fa-fw fa-check-square-o',
        emptyIcon: 'fa fa-fw fa-square-o',
        postCreate: function () {
            //this.currentBasemap = this.mapStartBasemap || null;

            if (this.mode === 'custom') {
       = new BasemapGallery({
                    showArcGISBasemaps: false,
                    basemaps:, function (map) {
                        return map.basemap;
                // if ( !== this.mapStartBasemap) { //based off the title of custom basemaps in viewer.js config
                // }

   = new DropDownMenu({
                style: 'display: none;' //,
                        //baseClass: this.menuClass

            array.forEach(this.basemapsToShow, function (basemap) {
                if (this.basemaps.hasOwnProperty(basemap)) {
                    var menuItem = new MenuItem({
                        id: basemap,
                        label: this.basemaps[basemap].title,
                        iconClass: 'fa fa-fw ' + this.emptyIcon,
                        onClick: lang.hitch(this, function () {
                            if (basemap !== this.currentBasemap) {
                                /* save the current basemap value */
                                topic.publish('AppSettings/setValue', 'saveBasemap', {
                                    value: basemap
                                topic.publish('googleAnalytics/events', {
                                    category: 'Basemap',
                                    action: 'basemap-change',
                                    label: basemap
            }, this);


            /* load the saved basemap value */
            topic.subscribe('AppSettings/onSettingsLoad', lang.hitch(this, '_loadBasemapFromSettings'));

        setBasemap: function (basemap) {
            if (this.currentBasemap !== basemap) {
                this.currentBasemap = basemap;
                if (this.mode === 'custom') {
                } else {
                var ch =;
                array.forEach(ch, lang.hitch(this, function (c) {
                    if ( === basemap) {
                        c.set('iconClass',  this.selectedIcon);
                    } else {
                        c.set('iconClass',  this.emptyIcon);
        startup: function () {
        _loadBasemapFromSettings: function (settings) {
            if (settings && settings.saveBasemap &&
                    settings.saveBasemap.value &&
                    ( || settings.saveBasemap.urlLoad)) {
green3g commented 9 years ago

I'm also working on making the widget easier to use with mixins, and I've started on that but I've got a little more work to do. I'll probably push that out tomorrow, then a mixin could be created to add the basemap settings into the widget.

ERS-Long commented 9 years ago

Hi, Gregg:

Thank you so much, got it working now.

Added this in the config part

                 //optional (defaults shown):
                 appSettings: {
                    saveBasemap: {
                        save: false,
                        value: {},
                        checkbox: true,
                        label: 'Save Basemap',
                        urlLoad: false

                 emailSettings: ['saveMapExtent',

'saveLayerVisibility', 'saveBasemap'],

everything works wonderfully!!

Thanks again.


On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 4:00 PM, Gregg Roemhildt wrote:

I'm also working on making the widget easier to use with mixins, and I've started on that but I've got a little more work to do. I'll probably push that out tomorrow, then a mixin could be created to add the basemap settings into the widget.

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green3g commented 9 years ago

Just a small warning on the php script, it's not sanitizing any of the input so be wary of placing it on a public facing server. Someone could easily post something like 'DROP * FROM Data WHERE 1=1;' addition to sql commands, there may be other security flaws.

ERS-Long commented 9 years ago

Ok, I am aware of that, it should not be that critical, the lost maybe just the saved map settings.


On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 8:11 PM, Gregg Roemhildt wrote:

Just a small warning on the php script, it's not sanitizing any of the input so be wary of placing it on a public facing server. Someone could easily post something like 'DROP * FROM Data WHERE 1=1;' addition to sql commands, there may be other security flaws.

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