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Files already in my TV library in Catalina do not see changed artwork using MetaZ #249

Open ChicagoBubba opened 3 years ago

ChicagoBubba commented 3 years ago

The TV app no longer refreshes the Library artwork after it's changed using MetaZ. The funny thing is that if you Get Info on any of the files it does show the new artwork I added using MetaZ, but my library still shows the old artwork. I've closed and reopened TV, restarted my Mac, change the tag inside TV to force a "refresh", but it's still showing the old artwork. The only way to get the new artwork to show in my library was to change it directly in TV which is painfully slow, or remove the file and re-add to TV (which affects metadata used by TV not written to the tag directly which further affects both smart and standard playlists).

I don't think this is a bug as it's probably how the new TV app works vs how iTunes used tags, but it definitely makes MetaZ (or any tagger) useless for updating artwork after the file(s) is already in TV. Any suggestions; does anyone else have this issue?

RadioactiveSharPei commented 3 years ago

I've noticed the same thing. In the old iTunes MacOS app, I could do a "Get Info" of the movie within the app and it would re-read the information as well as the artwork. Now that doesn't seem to work. How can we get the new TV app to trigger a re-read of the metadata?