Closed adampblack closed 5 years ago
This issue seems to be a Chrome related issue.
Related to this JS method: How does toLocaleDateString() work in Chrome?
It works fine in Safari.
I will build a pure JS implementation of the Calendar grommet widget.
Originally posted in Grommet Slack channel - not resolved
Calendar component - what locales does grommet v2 support? I have tried en-US, zh-cn, es-es and all working. I need a couple of obscure ones (km-kh and lo-la) but don't seem to be working.
Weirdly it is working fine here - but could not find a package which is providing these extra locales
Code Example 1
Code Example 2 <FormField component={Calendar} locale="lo-la" name="birth_date" />
The month name is still in English (unlike in the example in CodePen from original link). I am wondering if I am missing a locale dependency library.
Only response from Grommet Slack channel This is the library grommet is using for date-formatting Please share a markup of the code where the locales are not working, I think it should supposed to work.
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