gt-marine-robotics-group / Pontus

The GT Marine Robotics Group's software for RoboSub.
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Gate Task #44

Open Jeff300fang opened 2 months ago

Jeff300fang commented 2 months ago



The first main task of the competition is to go through this gate. Currently, we have a barebone framework and an attempt at the gate task in this file: pontus_autonomy/pontus_autonomy/tasks/ However, this was created last year, where we only had a forward-facing camera. Now our sub contains two sonars: a Ping360 and Sonoptix, which should provide more information that will allow us to more confidently accomplish the Gate task.

Functional Requirements

This issue is focused on passing through the gate. The functional requirements are as follows:

Relevant ROS topics

Relevant ROS Topics that may be useful to publish/subscribe to


  1. Determine the location of the gate using the ping360 + camera + sonoptix
  2. Position robot to go through the gate
  3. Start going through the gate while constantly adjusting the trajectory to not hit the gate


To test your code, you can run your code against the sub simulation. Running the simulation will also be very useful to see what the output of certain topics are, such as the camera, and how publishing to certain topics affects the sub. To run the simulation:

Go to your workspace directory and build your project.

 colcon build
 source install/setup.bash

Start the simulation:

 ros2 launch pontus_bringup

And then in another terminal you can run your code:

 ros2 run pontus_autonomy prequalification_run