guibranco / projects-monitor

⚙️🔔 GitHub projects monitor
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[FEATURE] Check if file exists: `.github/dependabot.yml` #28

Open guibranco opened 1 year ago

guibranco commented 1 year ago


The projects-monitor service should be enhanced to check for the existence of a dependabot.yml file in the .github directory of each repository being monitored. This will ensure that repositories are being managed by Dependabot, which helps in keeping dependencies updated automatically.


  1. Check for dependabot.yml:

    • Use the existing PHP class that interacts with the GitHub API to check if a dependabot.yml file exists at the path .github/dependabot.yml in each repository.
  2. Database Integration:

    • Repositories are already listed in a MySQL table. For each repository, retrieve the relevant data and check if the dependabot.yml file is present.
    • Store the results in the database to log whether the file is found or not.
  3. Update the Dashboard:

    • Update the dashboard to visually indicate whether a dependabot.yml file is present in each repository.
    • Add an alert or warning for repositories missing the file.

Proposed Database Schema Update:

You might want to update the table storing repository data to include a field for tracking whether the dependabot.yml file is present:

ALTER TABLE repositories ADD COLUMN dependabot_file_exists BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL;

Example Code (PHP Checking for File via GitHub API):

Here’s an example of how the PHP class can be used to check for the existence of the dependabot.yml file:

class GitHubRepositoryChecker {
    private $apiClient;

    public function __construct($apiClient) {
        $this->apiClient = $apiClient;

    public function checkDependabotFile($repoOwner, $repoName) {
        $filePath = '.github/dependabot.yml';
        $response = $this->apiClient->get("/repos/$repoOwner/$repoName/contents/$filePath");

        if ($response->getStatusCode() === 200) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($response->getStatusCode() === 404) {
            return false;

        throw new Exception('Error checking file: ' . $response->getReasonPhrase());

// Usage example
$checker = new GitHubRepositoryChecker($apiClient);
$isDependabotFilePresent = $checker->checkDependabotFile('your-repo-owner', 'your-repo-name');

// Update database with the result
$pdo->prepare("UPDATE repositories SET dependabot_file_exists = ? WHERE repo_name = ?")
    ->execute([$isDependabotFilePresent, $repoName]);

Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Context:

This feature will allow for better monitoring of repositories by ensuring that Dependabot configuration files are present, helping to automate dependency updates across all monitored projects.

gitauto-ai[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hey, I'm a bit lost here! Not sure which file I should be fixing. Could you give me a bit more to go on? Maybe add some details to the issue or drop a comment with some extra hints? Thanks!

Have feedback or need help? Feel free to email