Closed marcelo-reategui-diaz closed 1 year ago
Hi Marcelo, Here is an example to sort by increasing / decreasing weight under the common effect model:
m <- metagen(rep(1, 5), c(1, 5, 2, 4, 3) / 5)
forest(m, sortvar = w.common) # increasing weight
forest(m, sortvar = -w.common) # decreasing weight
Use w.random
to sort by weights under the random effects model.
Hi! We are conducting a systematic review and we have used your package for doing our meta-analysis. Now, we are struggling to sort the studies in the images by weights. We already try using sortvar command, but we could not find the exact way to order descendingly by the calculated weights. We will appreciate if you could clarify this.
Kind Regards, Marcelo Reategui