guigrpa / docx-templates

Template-based docx report creation
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go to the next page with a specific condition (conditional page break) #283

Open mehrdadTemp opened 2 years ago

mehrdadTemp commented 2 years ago


how to go to the next page (go to next docx page and keep going) with a specific condition like

+++IF condition +++ +++= page_break +++ +++END-IF+++

In python can use this //code from docxtpl import DocxTemplate, R, InlineImage page_break = R('\f') //docx template {% if condition %} {{r page_break }} {% endif %}

and how use index in FOR

and when try merge two docx file catch this error "For source /word/document.xml, cannot find part word/media/template_document.xml_img1.jpg from rel img1=media/template_document.xml_img1" i can not get this error with docxtpl before

jjhbw commented 2 years ago

Haven't tried this before, but what about adding a literal page break in between an IF-END-IF in the template? If not, you can look into using literal XML for this. I don't know the required XML magic, though. You may be able to find that here or here

Would appreciate it if you could post in this thread what ended up working for you.

SuchiraD commented 1 year ago

I have faced a similar situation and following is what I have used. In JS code,

            data: {
                pageBreak: '||<w:br w:type="page" />||',
            cmdDelimiter: ['{{', '}}'],

In template

{{ IF condition }}
{{ END-IF }}
davidjb commented 1 year ago

In a similar vein, I solved this with:

const report = await createReport({
  additionalJsContext: {
      pagebreak: (show) => (show || typeof show === 'undefined') ? '||<w:br w:type="page"/>||' : '',

which slims down the syntax a bit whilst allowing any given conditional or falsy value to prevent the break from showing, such as:

{{ pagebreak($idx < $component.issues.length-1) }}
{{ pagebreak($idx < 5) }}
{{ pagebreak($name === 'Alice') }}
{{ pagebreak($data) }}

pagebreak() can also be called without an argument to always output a break (or used within other contexts such as IF).

jjhbw commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this solution @davidjb !! 🥳

JPBM135 commented 1 year ago

I encountered a problem with this method, since the <w:br w:type="page"/> comes wrapped inside an

<w:t xml:space="preserve">
    <w:br w:type="page" />

So I'd actually had to replace the text manually, here is the snippet if anyone wants it:

export function sanitizeDocumentXml(bin: Uint8Array) {
  try {
    writeFileSync('/tmp/template.docx', bin);
    execSync('unzip -o /tmp/template.docx -d /tmp/template');

    const documentXml = readFileSync('/tmp/template/word/document.xml', 'utf8');

    const sanitizedDocumentXml = documentXml.replaceAll(
      '<w:t xml:space="preserve"><w:br w:type="page" /></w:t>',
      '<w:br w:type="page" />',

    writeFileSync('/tmp/template/word/document.xml', sanitizedDocumentXml);
    execSync('cd /tmp/template && zip -r /tmp/template.docx ./*');

    return readFileSync('/tmp/template.docx');
  } catch (error) {
    console.log('[sanitizeDocumentXml]: error', error);
    return bin;

I believe this is compatible with most operation systems, but I tested in linux

Vitomir2 commented 1 year ago

I have faced a similar situation and following is what I have used. In JS code,

            data: {
                pageBreak: '||<w:br w:type="page" />||',
            cmdDelimiter: ['{{', '}}'],

In template

{{ IF condition }}
{{ END-IF }}

Hey @SuchiraD, for some reason this does not break my pages. Here is my template:

*FOR chartData IN chartsData*


*IMAGE chart($chartData.imageSrc)*

*IF $chartData.table*
*IMAGE table($chartData.table)*

*END-FOR chartData*

then, the code:

const buffer = await createReport({
        cmdDelimiter: ['*', '*'],
        additionalJsContext: {
            pageBreak: '||<w:br w:type="page" />||,
            chart: (imageSrc) => {
            table: (table) => {

and here is the result: image

SuchiraD commented 7 months ago

then, the code:

const buffer = await createReport({
        cmdDelimiter: ['*', '*'],
        additionalJsContext: {
            pageBreak: '||<w:br w:type="page" />||,
            chart: (imageSrc) => {
            table: (table) => {

and here is the result: image

@Vitomir2 , Sorry for very late late reply. Somehow I have missed this comment

I am not very clear on the second part of your comment. Were you able to do the pageBreak by adding it in additionalJsContext?