guilhemmarchand / TA-azure-blob-archiving

Azure Blob storage achiving framework for Splunk Enterprise
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Cold to Frozen framework for Splunk to archive buckets in Azure blob storage


This Add-on provides a robust and smart archiving framefork solution for Splunk Enterprise and Azure blob storage.

It relies on the Splunk built-in archiving capabilities and Azure blob storage and tables via the usage of the Python SDK for Azure:

Splunk Documentation links:

Azure links:

The framework and concept can be summarised the following way:

Analytic, management and reporting:

Use the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Cloud Services to monitor and index automatically records created in the Azure storage table:

This application provides a dashboard and logic based on a KVstore collection that is automatically feed by the records indexed, which allows you to the power of Splunk language to review buckets that were achived, search for any information based on the rich information stored in the Azure table, or provide analytic reporting.





See the documentation on