guillaumeaubert / Perl-Critic-Policy-ValuesAndExpressions-PreventSQLInjection

PerlCritic policy that attempts to detect the most common sources of SQL injection in manually crafted SQL statements, by detecting the use of variables inside interpolated strings that look like SQL statements.
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Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::PreventSQLInjection is flagging valid constructs as SQL injection risks when no such risk exists. #19

Open cschwenz opened 7 years ago

cschwenz commented 7 years ago

Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::PreventSQLInjection should not trigger on either:

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q[
        UPDATE `my_table` SET
            `data` = ?
            `id` = ?
    $sth->execute( $new_data, $id )
        or confess( "Update my_table failed. ($DBI::errstr)" );


        UPDATE `my_table` SET
            `data` = ?
            `id` = ?
    ], undef, $new_data, $id)
        or confess( "Update my_table failed. ($DBI::errstr)" );

The attached test file (which has an additional .txt to get around GitHub brain-damage) will pass when Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::PreventSQLInjection correctly handles the above cases; said test file is released under the Artistic 2.0 license (


guillaumeaubert commented 7 years ago

The plugin indeed catches "Update my_table failed. ($DBI::errstr)" as a potential risk due to the use of update as the leading word in this string, the double-quoting, and the use of an interpolated variable.

For the plugin to understand that it's not a SQL statement, the solution would be to determine if the token matched is in fact argument in a function call and what function calls are considered safe. The simplest I think would be to check for the parent of the current token in, and return early if the parent token is a function call listed in a configurable whitelist.

I would be happy to take a pull request if you're interested in implementing this, it's a good feature idea. Please note that all contributions to this module must be under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.

Thank you!