guojiajeremy / ReContrast

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Benefits of cross reconstruction? #5

Open flyingtiger111 opened 1 week ago

flyingtiger111 commented 1 week ago

I kowe the encoder which is adapted to the target image domain can generates feature representations in a domain-specific view and the frozen encoder can provide the view from pre-train image domain.

However, I am still unclear about the purpose of cross-reconstruction and the benefits it offers.

Could you provide more details and insights?

guojiajeremy commented 1 week ago

The cross-reconstruction is motivated from the insights of positive-pair contrastive learning, such as BYOL and SimSiam. In contrastive learning, a predictor is used to predict the feature of one view, given the input feature of another view, which can be seen as cross-reconstruction. Without cross-reconstruction, contrative learning degrade to self-prediction where the predictor can just learn to output its input. Therefore, this paradigm can help to prevent the decoder (predictor) from the "identity mapping" phenomenon.

flyingtiger111 commented 3 days ago

identity mappin

Could you explain how config:E addresses the 'identical shortcut' problem from the perspective of anomaly detection? Or did you solve this problem simply by mimicking the paradigm of contrastive learning (such as SimSiam)?