gustavkarlsson / track

Simple on-device event tracking for Android
MIT License
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Verify Version MIT licensed


Simple on-device event tracking for Android.


Initialize the built in singleton in Application.onCreate().


Or create a new instance.

val track = Track.create(context, "my_records.db")

Track a single value (overwriting the existing one) with set().

Track.set("show_intro", "false")

Read it back as a record with get().

val record = Track.get("show_intro")

Records look like this:

data class Record(
    val id: Long,
    val key: String,
    val timestamp: Long,
    val appVersion: Long,
    val value: String

Track multiple events per key with add().

Track.add("screen_visited", "settings")

Use query() to find all records of any given key.

val allScreenVisits = Track.query("screen_visited")

You don't have to read all query results into memory.

val firstFiveVisitsToAboutScreen = Track.query("screen_visited") { records ->
        .filter { it.value == "about" }
        .toList() // Consume the sequence before returning

Use cases

Track app launches and show onboarding screen only the first time.

val isFirstLaunch = Track.query("app_launched") { it.none() }
if (isFirstLaunch) {
    // Show onboarding screen

New terms of service was introduced in version 54. Show a dialog if user hasn't accepted them yet.

val lastAcceptedTosVersion = Track.get("accepted_tos")?.appVersion ?: -1
if (lastAcceptedTosVersion < 54) {

private fun showTosScreen() {
        .setTitle("New TOS")
        .setMessage("Bla bla bla bla...")
        .setPositiveButton("Accept") { _, _ ->
        .setNegativeButton("Close app") { _, _ ->

Ask user to rate the app under certain conditions.

val usageCount = Track.query("used_feature_x") { it.count() }
val thirtyDaysAgo = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(30)
val ratedApp = Track.get("rated_app")
when {
    // User still hasn't used the app much
    usageCount < 5 -> return
    // User never saw the rating screen
    ratedApp == null -> showRatingScreen()
    // User previously clicked "later" and it's been over 30 days
    ratedApp.value == "later" && ratedApp.timestamp < thirtyDaysAgo -> showRatingScreen()

private fun showRatingScreen() {
        .setTitle("Rate our app")
        .setMessage("If you like our app, please take a second and rate it on the Play Store!")
        .setPositiveButton("Rate") { _, _ ->
            Track.set("rated_app", "rated")
            // Open play store
        .setNegativeButton("Never") { _, _ ->
            Track.set("rated_app", "never")
        .setNeutralButton("Later") { _, _ ->
            Track.set("rated_app", "later")
        .setOnCancelListener {
            Track.set("rated_app", "later")


Track is hosted on JitPack. Here's how you include it in your gradle project:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file:


repositories {
    maven { url '' }


repositories {
    maven(url = "")

Step 2. Add the dependency:


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.gustavkarlsson:track:<latest_version>'


dependencies {

Demo app

The project contains a very simple demo app which lets you try it out very quickly. Give it a spin!