gvandela / MeteorRpiReceiver

a set of python scripts to automatically capture, decode & e-mail Meteor-M2 satellite images
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Open tomatos666 opened 6 years ago

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

I recieve this error: GRC script ended with return code: 2 What it means?

gvandela commented 6 years ago

The GRC (gnuradio companion) script handles the SDR stuff. You can launch this manually (it's a python script) to see if you get any more debug information. I would suspect there are some uninstalled dependencies. Preparing a list of instructions starting from a fresh raspbian is on my todo list. I believe it doesn't extend further than gnuradio and gr-osmosdr. Did you install these?

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

I have installet the gnuradio and gr-osmosdr. And it start the script wenn the elevation and azimtuh are positive. Bud after satelite passes it come´s follow: 2017-12-11 10:30:52,305 - root - DEBUG - stopping GRC script 2017-12-11 10:30:52,307 - root - DEBUG - GRC script ended with return code: 2 2017-12-11 10:31:12,324 - root - DEBUG - decoding: no recent file was found 2017-12-11 10:31:12,325 - root - DEBUG - no e-mail sent as there was no decoded image 2017-12-11 10:31:12,326 - root - DEBUG - all done, start over for next pass 2017-12-11 10:31:12,326 - root - DEBUG - trying TLE download... 2017-12-11 10:31:12,890 - root - DEBUG - Download successful, storing TLE file offline 2017-12-11 10:31:12,891 - root - DEBUG - TLE file downloaded & saved 11/12/17 10:31 It dosnt find some file... Bud i don´t know what if wrong...

gvandela commented 6 years ago

The line saying "decoding: no recent file was found" simply means that the gnuradio script did not produce any 'recording' (like a raw file with soft decoded data). This combined with the line saying "GRC script ended with return code: 2" indicates the gnuradio script is not doing what it's supposed to. Can you launch the GRC script separately and log any error messages?

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

Hello, yes bud there is no error: pi@raspberrypi:~/MeteorRpiReceiver/GRC $ python METEOR_M2_v04_noGUI.py linux; GNU C++ version 4.9.1; Boost_105500; UHD_003.007.003-0-unknown

gr-osmosdr 0.1.3 (0.1.3) gnuradio 3.7.5 built-in source types: file osmosdr fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd miri hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001 Found Elonics E4000 tuner Using Volk machine: neon_hardfp_orc Press Enter to quit: You have new mail in /var/mail/pi

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have changed some script´s what i have made. Now have now the follow error: 2017-12-12 23:14:10,686 - root - DEBUG - stopping GRC script 2017-12-12 23:14:10,687 - root - DEBUG - GRC script ended with return code: 0 2017-12-12 23:14:30,799 - root - DEBUG - running: ./Decoder/medet_arm /home/pi/Projects/Pyt$ /bin/sh: 1: ./Decoder/medet_arm: Permission denied

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

2017-12-13 11:29:49,390 - root - DEBUG - stopping GRC script 2017-12-13 11:29:49,609 - root - DEBUG - GRC script ended with return code: 1 2017-12-13 11:30:09,637 - root - DEBUG - running: ./Decoder/medet_arm /home/pi/Projects/Python_projects/Meteor_receiver/Data/meteor_LRPT_13122017_1116.s /home/pi/Projects/Python_projects/Meteor_receiver/Data/meteor_LRPT_13122017_1116 -Q 2017-12-13 11:30:39,200 - root - DEBUG - medet ran with returncode: 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "scheduler_v0.2.8.py", line 352, in file_name = decode_capture() # since we don't know what file name the GRC script generated, we look for a file generated in the last 30min File "scheduler_v0.2.8.py", line 162, in decode_capture mod_time = getmtime(join(mypath, file)) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/genericpath.py", line 54, in getmtime return os.stat(filename).st_mtime OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/pi/Projects/Python_projects/Meteor_receiver/Data/meteor_LRPT_13122017_0935.s'

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

Hello, now i recieve every time "No Raw file found" what can i do?

gvandela commented 6 years ago

Hi, Can you check if you get .bmp files in the Data folder? Or the decoder is not producing any bitmaps, or the filename and/or directory is wrong...

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

Hello, thanks for your answer. The directora are the folling /home/pi/Projects/Python_projects/Meteor_receiver/Decoder and are no bitmaps on the folder Images

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

I hope you can help me

gvandela commented 6 years ago

Hi, After staring at the logs you posted, it seems like it's trying to handle a file that was deleted already. Which would mean that files can appear double in 'onlyfiles' in 'def decode_capture()'. Before we try and fix this, please comment out line 188: os.remove(os.path.join(mypath, file))

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

Hello, i have commet out the line 188. Now the files are still in the folder Data. Bud no pic´s.

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

Hello, i have try it manualy do decode the .s file. Bud it dosnt converd somthing. I have try it do convert the .s files on a windows PC with the medet for windows. Bud it dosnt generate any file. I don´t know why...

gvandela commented 6 years ago

Do you have a .s file generated by someone else that has been confirmed to decode? I'll see if I can make one available for download. You might have some problems with your hardware maybe. Like your antenna (or preamplifier if you use one, though the dvb-t sticks do quite well without). Or even coaxial cables or connectors.

gvandela commented 6 years ago

Here's a link to a small size .s file. It decodes to a couple of lines of image, really small, but should be useful to confirm the issue is with the .s files your setup generates. Meteor M2 test .s file

tomatos666 commented 6 years ago

Hello, thank you for your answer. Your file work fine. Bud my file´s dosn´t work. Here is a link to my Files Folder Data with Noaa Also are pic´s for NOAA what are generatet with the same hardware. I use a Raspberry RPI3 with a Terratec Cinergy T Stick RC (Rev.3) and a QFH Antenna.

gvandela commented 6 years ago

Huh, and that setup actually works for NOAA APT?! I don't see how it shouldn't work for Meteor LRPT... I'll see if I can make a version of the GRC script with a GUI, to get some visual feedback. I didn't do that because it's wasted computing power on a headless setup.

tomatos666 commented 5 years ago

Hello gvandela, can you tell me please what typ of hardware you use?

gvandela commented 5 years ago

I'm running the script on a raspberry pi 3 model B, with Nooelec RTL stick. The antenna is a quadrifilar helix of my own design, but close to identical as many QFH antenna designs on the Web. I use no external LNA nor filter. The antenna is positioned in my attic which gives much better reception than my office just underneath. The RTL USB stick is attached very close to the antenna feed point, with a 5m USB cable to the raspberry pi. This to avoid losses of a run of coax cable.