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Characters organized by Nation? #21

Open ebeshero opened 2 years ago

ebeshero commented 2 years ago

@julianjmg and I were exploring the mentions of "honor" character by character, and had an idea. What if we organized the characters by nation, and tallied the number of times the members of a whole nation speak of honor?

To do this, it would help to have a master list of nations, with characters inside, something like this:

<nation what="Fire">
    <person who="Zuko"/>
    <person who="Iro"/>
    <person who="Azula"/>

<nation what="Water">
    <person who="Katara"/>
    <person who="Sokka"/>


@julianjmg started a basis for a file like this with a simple pull of all the distinct characters as a text list. We thought maybe that could be organized by nation during a project meeting!