List of tags separated by comma: tag1,tag2,tag3... (required):
[tags] iot [/tags]
Short description of the tool (required, maximum 100 characters):
[short_descr] The IoT security toolkit to help identify IoT related dashboards and scan them for default passwords and vulnerabilities. [/short_descr]
Link to the tool: https://... (minimum 1 required): [link] [/link]
List of tags separated by comma: tag1,tag2,tag3... (required): [tags] iot [/tags]
Short description of the tool (required, maximum 100 characters): [short_descr] The IoT security toolkit to help identify IoT related dashboards and scan them for default passwords and vulnerabilities. [/short_descr]
[image] [/image]
[image] [/image]