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[VIEWER] voice audio is rough (you need to use noise removal). #9

Open chrhyman opened 5 years ago

chrhyman commented 5 years ago

Your voice audio is rough (you need to use noise removal). Look at this tutorial:


gwonzi commented 5 years ago

I may need your attention and help on this one. But I have some thoughts.

The thing is- Anyone can say, "Use this" , but it opens a general problem. Nothing anyone is going to recommend, including the Reddit feedback, are improvements done directly in Adobe Premiere (AP). Which means, doing anything like this, requires exporting the audio out of AP, into something else, and editing it there, then importing back into AP, and making sure it is aligned correctly. So, this idea, bring a list of concerns/ action items:

Additionally, I already have, very expensive, audio, production, software, called Cubase. Its what I use to create my metal music. We can do, literally, ANYTHING with audio in it. So, if we solve the above, I can go HAM on that audio file in Cubase (not saying I don't want to see what other people are using, just saying that I already have something, and to minimize the amount of "production" software applications I have, I'd rather be redundant and use what I'm familiar with)

Ultimately, I agree with the feedback, and I'm not against doing it. It just creates a very different type of production approach/ use of AP that I am not familiar with.