gwtbootstrap / gwt-bootstrap

A GWT Library that provides the widgets of Bootstrap, from Twitter.
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TabPanel stopped working properly on Google Chrome #502

Closed Guillaume1414 closed 10 years ago

Guillaume1414 commented 10 years ago

I am using gwt-bootstrap and since this morning the TabPanels stopped working properly on Google Chrome.

I have a TabPanel with 2 Tab A and B.

When the view loads A is set to .active and its content is shown normally. But when I select the tab B, the tab content shown stays tab's A. The

  • containing the heading B is however set to .active and all the events are fired normally.

    I tested on Firefox and it works fine so the issue seems to be purely Chrome related.

    Is anybody experiencing the same issue? Do you have any idea of what could be causing the issue and how to fix it?

  • reinert commented 10 years ago

    Hum.. I'm using TabPanel too, but it is working properly in both browsers.

    Could you put your UI code here?

    Guillaume1414 commented 10 years ago

    Which version of Chrome are you using? The problem appeared with Chrome 35 which is being deployed progressively.

    Basically what seems to happen is that when the active tab changes the CSS rules don't get honoured by Chrome (the computed style doesn't refresh).

    When the .active class is removed from the previously active tab the computed CSS should go from display:block; to display:none; and the new .active tab should go from display:none; to display:block; but this doesn't happen. When I do F12 the "styles" tab refreshes and shows the correct value but the "computed" tab doesn't.

    Here is a picture illustrating the issue:


    I have tested my code with IE, Firefox, and Safari and Chrome is the only one on which the code doesn't work (and it was working fine before - it literally stopped working overnight) so I guess it is purely related to the new Chrome version.

    My UI code is very basic just a TabPanel tabs=new TabPanel(Tabs.ABOVE); with 3 Tabs each containing a FlowPanel with some widgets..

    reinert commented 10 years ago

    I'm using chrome 26 :P

    dharezlak commented 10 years ago

    I am experiencing the same symptoms after upgrading Chrome to version 35. Also, animated modal stopped working for me too (#503).

    dserdyuk commented 10 years ago

    is there any workaround for this issue ?

    JornC commented 10 years ago

    Uninstalling AdBlock seems to work, as mentioned here:

    dserdyuk commented 10 years ago

    yep. It works for me. thanks a lot!

    caarlos0 commented 10 years ago

    So we can close this, right?

    Guillaume1414 commented 10 years ago

    Yes, removing the Avaast version of AdBlock did the trick for me too.

    Guillaume1414 commented 10 years ago

    Actually the issue is back, removing AdBlock only seems to have worked temporarily.

    dserdyuk commented 10 years ago

    I didn't uninstall but disable for particular domain