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SVG Support #1562

Closed dankurka closed 9 years ago

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1554

I see that GWT roadmap contains implementing the Vector graphics library,
particularly canvas, SVG and VML. As a GWT developer who needs to enhance
an application by adding graphics support, I would be very happy if you
could prioritize this issue. Robert Hanson's GWT-WL is a very good start
though missing text creation using SVG and interactivity (event listeners). 
Also, although I am sure it is not that easy to tell, but can you guess how
much time this may take so that I can make my plans accordingly?

Thank you very much.

Reported by simalhancerli on 2007-08-23 16:22:47

dankurka commented 9 years ago
support this one. the extention namespace problem made it impossible for developer to
debug application with svg in GWT environment.  

Reported by yiqing.jin on 2007-09-26 10:44:35

dankurka commented 9 years ago
GWT support for graphics (either SVG, canvas or something else) would really take
things to the next level. Right now, the lack of a standard gfx toolset is preventing
me from using anything but applets.

Reported by on 2007-12-06 23:42:40

dankurka commented 9 years ago
I think GWT should team up with the Gears team to provide a canvas as per the HTML5

Support this or something like this. We are fed up of browser plugins(shockwave,
silverlight, bla bla) to deliver graphical content(2d, 3d). 

Reported by rakeshw on 2008-04-03 00:07:58

dankurka commented 9 years ago
The world needs interactive graphics via the web.... All we are left with is Adobe 
Flash/ActionScript.  All the wikipedia TAG clouds (ie Web 2.0) are in SVG.

Reported by prochaine1 on 2008-05-28 13:27:44

dankurka commented 9 years ago
+1 If full Mozilla canvas capability is too hard cross browser, a fully tested,
reliable basic capability would still be very useful for many applications. Right
now, if you just want to draw a few lines you have to start searching around among
the various add-on GWT canvas libraries: deciding which to use adds a lot of extra
work, that a standard GWT library would eliminate. 

Reported by johncurtisgunther on 2008-10-03 02:34:45

dankurka commented 9 years ago
GWT support for graphics would broaden the appeal of GWT for application development.
Some visually appealing GWT sites out on the web would attract attention.

Reported by malcolm.gorman on 2008-10-03 04:56:57

dankurka commented 9 years ago
I think a lot of companies need vector features in desktop apps. Adding such features
by SVG (recommended by W3C) or something similar would be really appreciated as it
would remove a blocking point in the desktop->web transition.

Reported by dupont.nicolas on 2008-10-03 09:51:24

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Reported by on 2008-10-21 21:58:16

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Reported by on 2008-12-04 01:57:12

dankurka commented 9 years ago
Partial workaround:

Reported by on 2008-12-04 05:00:16

dankurka commented 9 years ago
Sumit, could you make Dan an owner and give this to him?

Reported by on 2009-04-15 00:39:01

dankurka commented 9 years ago
if some one is really spending time on this, please consider 3d! 
You should see of the recent experiments going on in Mozilla labs and Chrome browser.

I am optimistic that Mozilla will in near future ship a native 3d capable Canvas for
Firefox(instead of 2d to 3d). If you see chromeexperiments, they convert 3d to 2d on
canvas.  I know that IE is a big show stopper, but I also know that 3d on Canvas is
going to change the browser world. Couple it with the power of GWT, and Adobe,
Silverlight, javafx all will be things of past... 

GWT and Canvas can go long way if properly thought and designed. Actually it is
another big project in its own right. 

Reported by rakeshw on 2009-04-15 03:09:08

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Reported by on 2009-04-15 15:50:48

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Reported by on 2009-12-22 16:54:01

dankurka commented 9 years ago
I am not a web programmer (at least not yet) but I have a project in my mind that 
would definitely include SVG vector graphics on a page, moreover it would be a web

application that allows the user to make vector drawings via web browser. As far as
know there are some companies that provide this possibility through flash, but I 
believe that integrating SVG API into the GWT would make developing such applications

a lot easier.

Please, please, please invest time and money into this possibility, it will open so

many new possibilities for web app development (think collaboration tools) and 
enhanced user experience and creativity!

Reported by dalibor.kovac on 2010-04-29 14:55:43

dankurka commented 9 years ago
Just use an external lib : or

I prefer the vaadin one because it has better documentation (in fact the documentation
is perfect) and more GWT styled. The raphael one is a JS wrapper but has more features.

Reported by frank.wynants on 2010-08-24 09:43:01

dankurka commented 9 years ago
For those tracking these issues, I think this is the same as 1534

Reported by ekohlwey on 2010-08-30 12:07:57

dankurka commented 9 years ago
Per #17 by ekohlwey, 1534 is asking for Canvas support.  This is asking for SVG support.

Reported by prochaine1 on 2010-08-30 12:31:24

dankurka commented 9 years ago
Sorry, let me clarify - both tickets request an implementation of canvas, and both seem
to be pointing to the same reference implementations of a canvas object to solve their

I'd suggest, therefore, that these should be considered as the same ticket, but technically
they are separate requests.

Reported by ekohlwey on 2010-08-30 16:38:21

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Reported by on 2011-01-13 03:11:50

dankurka commented 9 years ago
Now that most major browsers have canvas in some form, can we expect gwt api support
the javascript that manipulates this canvas element?

Reported by rakeshw on 2011-01-14 01:33:03

dankurka commented 9 years ago
Yes you can:

Reported by t.broyer on 2011-01-14 08:30:52

dankurka commented 9 years ago
A very good pure svg lib is already available for GWT:

When will it be merged into GWT?

Reported by papuska on 2011-03-01 11:38:32

dankurka commented 9 years ago
I star this issue as I support it,
however really I think it that the solution should be slightly different: 
SVG support in my opinion should be implemented within the philosophy of adding support
for the new HTML5 Elements to GWT, as it has been done for CanvasElement, AudioElement
and VideoElement in the last GWT 2.2 Release.

I sustain this taking as an example how many widget are implemented:
for example, the HTMLPanel rely on, here its constructor:

  public HTMLPanel(String html) {

So, if no DOM SVG support is added to GWT, it would be impossible to think to reuse
the same pattern for something like a "VectorPanel" based on SVG for adding vector
graphic. Here an example which is today not implementable due to missing support for
SVG in

public VectorPanel() {

Reported by cristiano.costantini on 2011-03-25 15:22:08

dankurka commented 9 years ago
i have noticed there are considerable similarities between gwt-canvas in 2.2.0 and vectomatic
lib-svg-gwt IDL-generated interfaces at a symbol naming level and vectomatic's jsni
calls to DOM handle the namespaces adequately for the correct svg root element and
xlink:href links.

Reported by * on 2011-03-27 18:30:50

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Reported by on 2011-10-05 00:24:53

dankurka commented 9 years ago
I'm disappointed by this not to be planned in GWT!

At least it should be added "PatchesWelcome" for implementing all the SVG elements
in package (where for example HTML5's CanvasElement and VideoElement
exist and allow me to manipulate DOM of those elements!)


Reported by cristiano.costantini on 2011-10-05 12:23:27