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Generate Questions for [2023-03-27]: [Brian Daniels/Pontoro | ex-R/GA, ex-ADP] #552

Closed leopeng101 closed 4 days ago

leopeng101 commented 4 months ago


We need to create a list of questions for our guest speaker [PERSON - ROLE, COMPANY] attending on [DATE].

Action Items


Slack Announcement (edit this) :mega: Mark your Calendars! **[INSERT SPEAKER NAME][INSERT ROLE at COMPANY]** will be visiting the **UI/UX Community of Practice on [DATE] from [TIME]!** :speech_balloon: **Topic:** [INSERT TITLE OF TALK] :question: Please post your **questions** for [INSERT SPEAKER NAME] **here** [INSERT LINK TO GITHUB ISSUE] :arrow_backward: :bust_in_silhouette: **About:** [INSERT SPEAKER BIO] :star: [INSERT SPEAKER NAME]'s LinkedIn [INSERT LINK] Thank you! UI/UX CoP Co-Leads [INSERT CURRENT COP CO-LEADS]

Speaker Bio

Brian Daniels is a lead product designer at Pontoro creating a digital platform that's at the cross-section of traditional finance and tokenization. Before joining Pontoro, Brian led design at Lifion, by ADP and R/GA and has built and mentored high-performance design teams.

Aparna1Gopal commented 3 months ago

Resources shared by Speaker

Aparna1Gopal commented 3 months ago

Questions sent to Speaker

Started out in Product Management. What were the day to day tasks as a PM? What did you enjoy or not enjoy as much about being a PM? How did you get into UX? What initially got you interested in Crypto/Web3? What made you want to move or transition into the Web3 space from Crypto? What does designing for Crypto look like? How does the current AI craze impact Crypto/Web3? What is Pontoro trying to accomplish in this space? How do you think Crypto can evolve with regulatory compliance? What are your thoughts on Crypto's environmental impact? How do you think we can popularize Crypto/Web3 as much as AI? How does Crypto/Web3 reduce cost for businesses? Is there a higher initial cost potentially? What are some DEI opportunities for Crypto/Web3?