hackforla / access-the-data

The Access the Data project was created to address the growing gaps between new technology development and decisions impacting our communities with the underlying systems and data that drive those initiatives
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V1 - Ecosystem map #20

Open snooravi opened 3 years ago

snooravi commented 3 years ago


We need to make a visualization of the ecosystem of public data sets and data resources to provide clients an entry point into understanding public data.

Additional Details

The visualization will live on the main page of the wiki and on the website when it is published.

Action Items


See issue #17 [LA Data Resources]((https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JKMw4BT-i4gUC73lRXxI5g4yWOxhQ5OOAhG58Ch1LqY/edit#gid=1370034216)

Data originally came from this spreadsheet to create a visualization using Tableau Public that will live on the main page of the wiki.

Types of Data

  1. Raw Data
  2. Visualization
  3. Beginner Friendly Visualization
  4. Educational Resources
snooravi commented 3 years ago

First draft of Tableau dashboards: https://public.tableau.com/profile/derekplemons#!/vizhome/LosAngelesDataResourcesDashboard/LinksDashboard?publish=yes

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago

@Jeremy-D @MalakH21 will work on adding other items to the schema (for instance: what is the resource - data set, data portal, data viz of a data set. what level use is it for, kind of data: homelessness data, 311, etc, )

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago

Apps or visualizations can be found here https://geohub.lacity.org/search?collection=App https://geohub.lacity.org/search?collection=App%2CMap (includes maps not just apps) https://know-your-community-lahub.hub.arcgis.com/search?&collection=App

Data sets can be found here (indicate if data portal has a way to visualize the data) https://data.lacity.org/browse https://geohub.lacity.org/search?collection=Dataset https://data.lacounty.gov/browse

Jeremy-D commented 3 years ago

@Jeremy-D @MalakH21 will work on adding other items to the schema (for instance: what is the resource - data set, data portal, data viz of a data set. what level use is it for, kind of data: homelessness data, 311, etc, )

@snooravi @ExperimentsInHonesty I filled in the "Education Resource Type" column for the LA Data Resources spreadsheet, but I'd like to move updating the schema to the prioritized backlog while we focus on creating the first workshop based on 311 data. I think the schema is functional for what we need right now.