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Preference test for Homepage hero section #2537

Closed kristine-eudey closed 2 years ago

kristine-eudey commented 2 years ago


We need to preference test the hero section of the homepage in order to learn whether the current version or newly designed version appeals most to potential and actual users of our site. We then can use these learnings to make a data-informed decision about which to move forward with when the new homepage is launched.

Additional Detail

We have done some user research but the same size was too small. This issue will provide additional data.

Action Items

1a. Current Hero Image - Full Page ![HfLA - old hero](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16949503/144487115-95a0bedd-a58a-4ae2-9dc7-4c06d6c903ae.png)
1b. Current Hero Image - Hero Section Only ![HfLA - old hero copy](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16949503/144488701-a7f3b811-f12c-4c5a-b009-bf37ac0d898d.png)
2a. New Hero Image - Full Page ![HfLA - new hero](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16949503/144487381-39b44ed1-e223-4985-8571-16c321094416.png)
2b. New Hero Image - Hero Section Only ![HfLA - new hero copy](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16949503/144488410-e438e2cc-4a25-401f-9dd4-323b1cf5253b.png)


Usability Hub: An introduction to preference testing Usability Hub: Sign Up Figma - Homepage Redesign Existing donor research

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @kristine-eudey.

Good job adding the required labels for this issue. The merge team will review the issue and add a "Ready for Milestone" label once it is ready for prioritization.

Additional Resources:

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

This issue needs a link to whatever data came out of the donor and user research that is related to this homepage image.

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

weekly availability: 1 hour Friday night, 1 hour Monday night, 1 hour Tuesday night

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

12/13 update: just read and typed notes on the article linked above, and have a few questions prepared for the UXR meeting on 12/15. next step: reviewing our existing research findings and documenting in this issue a summary of them. obstacle: only that I need to find those existing research findings! will ask Simone about that now.

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

provide update

  1. Progress: have read the article, will decide tonight w/ the team what images to present
  2. Blockers: didn't know where to access existing findings but Simone shared the link with me
  3. Availability: Thurs night 5-8pm
  4. ETA: after 12/25, since we're taking a holiday break
summerharveyux commented 2 years ago


  1. Progress: I just reviewed existing research findings and document in this issue (see below) a summary of the findings and the issues of concern, such as small sample size.
  2. Blockers: I was surprised to find minimum relevant info in the google drive. I was expecting to see something about previous testing of the hero image, such as concept testing maybe, and something about sample size (since that's specifically mentioned in the issue Step hackforla/product-management#1, which made me think something relevant to sample size could be found in the google drive). But, I found minimum info in the google drive relevant to the hero image, and nothing about sample size. That's ok! I can determine what sample size we need in order to obtain statistically significant results, using G-Power. 3: Availability: Mon night 7-9pm, Tues night 5-7pm
  3. ETA: expect to have preference testing finished after 12/25, since we're taking a holiday break the week after 12/25 I believe

Summary of existing research findings and issues of concern as found in the Google drive:

Everything relevant extracted from Google Drive Folder ‘UX Research:’ Given Issue prompt of “Review existing research findings and document in this issue a summary of the findings and the issues of concern, such as small sample size:”

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Monday, December 27, 2021 at 11:19 PM PST.

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago
  1. Progress: discussed the preference test language with the team tonight. updated the preference test to reflect that new language, and shared the link with the team for distribution. distributed it to several UX-relevant slack groups (1) HfLA general; 2) Research Ops, 3) Hexagon UX, 4) UXPA Boston, 5) UX Research and Strategy, 6) People Nerds, 7) UX Rescue, 8 ) Ideate Labs, 9) Delta CX). will be keeping an eye on responses and manually stopping data collection once we reach N=115. will then review the results upon completion and prep to share them with the team.
  2. Blockers: None
  3. Availability: 2 hours Wed night, 3 hours Thurs night
  4. would love if we reach 115 by our next team meeting on 1/12! if not, I'll distribute to slack groups again for more responses
  5. N/A
summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

Progress: Discussed in 1/12 team meeting that we have N=104 participants so far (that I collected since last week's meeting by posting multiple times in different UX slack groups), and it's split 51%/49% for the two images (lol). Next steps: getting for ~11 more participants so we achieve our goal sample size of 115 (even though I don't think it'll change the results much). compiling the qualitative data for the 2 images, identifying themes, sharing those results at next week's team meeting. Blockers: N/A Availability: 2 hours Wed night, 2 hours Thurs night ETA: Next week's team meeting on 1/19 Pictures: image

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

Progress: Shared in 1/19 team meeting final results (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1imm90Dve3ngSAAa2jEVfwGFMQkXtNvKThLkf8iRYl2I/edit?usp=sharing), since we reached N=116 participants and I was able to create affinity diagrams for all the qualitative findings. Next steps: Simone asked me to add my notes to the presentation so she can share it with Bonnie on Sunday (since I cannot attend that meeting), and asked me to add my miro board to the team miro board Blockers: N/A Availability: 2 hours Wed night, 2 hours Thurs night ETA: EOD on Thurs 1/20

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Notes for @summerharveyux

Thanks for making the presentation for Simone to show us.

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

Progress: talked w/ Simone at weekly meeting about Sunday's presentation, and what my next steps should be. I understand my next steps are to update the slide deck to address Bonnie's bullet points, so it's a reference for designers: make it clear what users liked and didn't, so they can pick a new hero image.

Next steps: 1) reach out to Anya via slack to get the ball rolling on that approved issue (not relevant to this issue, just typing this for myself). 2) update the slide deck, and upon completion share it w/ Simone and save in the google drive

Blockers: N/A

Availability: 2 hours Wed night, 2 hours Thurs night

ETA: EOD on 1/26, or by weekly 5pm EST meeting on 2/2

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

@sacamp I have a question about one of Bonnie's bullet points above. Her 3rd bullet says this desk need to use a template specific to this project, but the issue she linked doesn't provide a powerpoint template (that I'm seeing). Is there a template I should be using? I can model my deck after the other deck in the 'Research Presentations' folder in the Homepage Redesign Research folder, if that is what is needed. Thank you!

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

Progress: Addressed all of Bonnie's comments on the slides. Spoke with Isaac about presenting to design team on 2/3, was later reminded by Shruti that there's no meetings the first week of the month, rescheduled w/ Isaac to present to design team on 2/10. link to edited slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lFY4bGDYicZDIbj5CNxhiiNGNq479cOOj3-pbD_ifqM/edit?usp=sharing

next steps: present to design team on 2/10.

blockers: none

availability: 2 hours Wed night, 3 hours Thurs night

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

Progress: ready to present to design team on 2/10. link to edited slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lFY4bGDYicZDIbj5CNxhiiNGNq479cOOj3-pbD_ifqM/edit?usp=sharing

next steps: present to design team on 2/10.

blockers: none

availability: 2 hours Wed night, 3 hours Thurs night

summerharveyux commented 2 years ago

Progress: presented to the design team on 2/10. Bonnie was at this meeting, and we decided to prep materials for and subsequently run another preference test (see new issue: https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2763). this new preference test will be between two new images (if I understood correctly): an image Bonnie has from a pre-COVID, in-person meeting, and an image that will be created of stitched together screenshots of zoom meetings.

we are unsure if 1) people will feel naturally more attracted to an in-person meeting and less attracted to the idea of yet another zoom meetings, contributing to increased solo and isolating work, or if 2) people will like that the zoom screenshots indicate that anyone can join HfLA from anywhere, rather than needing to be based in LA, and that the zoom screenshots convey our flexibility and resiliency in response to covid. To answer this question with data instead of assumptions, we'll conduct another preference test.

Next steps: just assigned myself to the new issue. will comment only on that new issue from here on out, since this preference test issue is completed.

Blockers: see new issue Availability: see new issue