Open ecosse3 opened 3 years ago
I also want to repeat the motions. However, I don't think it should be a dot-repeat. I'd rather like commands/functions for repeating the last HopChar1 and HopChar2.
Sorry, I didn't notice that you were using Hop with operators. In that case it would be good to be dot-repeatable.
I have honestly no idea what it would mean. If it means depending on another plugin, why not, but I haven’t planned anything yet for this.
Going through this again. If you could scratch a scenario / an image showing exactly what kind of feature you had on your mind, that would be great. Something like what @ouuan described seems useful (repeating the last Hop command, not motion).
Actually in love with this plugin, I found it more comfortable than easymotion, ligthspeed, and other competitors.
Thanks you very much.
Anyway, my trouble is that I cannot repeat actions.
import useErrorHandling from '@hooks/useErrorHandling';
import useIsInRole from '../../../../hooks/useIsInRole';
import useIsReadOnly from '../../../../hooks/useIsReadOnly';
I want to make 2nd line and 3rd line same as 1st liine (using @import instead of relative imports) I would go to second line, place my cursor after ', then I would do
but then, at 3rd line I cannot repeat this, even if it's the only match. it goes in some weird infinite state that It's hard to exit. I can only do CTRL-C.
That's even a simpler scenario, just searching the first h and repeating it.
Oh man, I came here to say this, i'd LOVE to repeat previous df/
motion (as example). @phaazon any more updates on this being a possibility, or a "no, will not do" is sufficient at this point. thankms so much for this great plugin!
đź‘‹ Just bumping this @phaazon to see if you had/have any interest or thoughts on implementation of dot repeat support with hop?
Bump. I am in love with this plugin and I am suffering without ability to dot-repeat last hop-function
Another bump. The plugin is great, in my opinion the only major thing it's missing at this point is the ability to dot-repeat hop jumps (hops?). I really hope it gets implemented.
A little update what I found.
Turns out that's there IS dot-repeat, but it is done a little weird.
I have bind hint_char1
to f
and t
(inclusive and exclusive respectively), and if I prees fsa
(go to first a
inclusive) and press .
, it will repeat only f
. I mean that you need to again specify letter you want to go
can tpope/vim-repeat
be considered?
actually i made a repeatable approach for hop.hint_with
using tpope/vim-repeat before comment. although i played happily with it so far, i still wanna this feature can be provided by the upstream itself.
---updates: i really dont want to polute this issue--- here is how i use vim-repeat with hop.nvim (in a very limited way).
be considered?
I have one. You can see how dot works with this in my previous message
be considered? ---updates--- actually i made a repeatable approach forhop.hint_with
using tpope/vim-repeat before comment. although i played happily with it so far, i still wanna this feature can be provided by the upstream itself.
Would you mind sharing your solution? I've tried using repeat.vim but had no success...
be considered?---updates--- actually i made a repeatable approach for
using tpope/vim-repeat before comment. although i played happily with it so far, i still wanna this feature can be provided by the upstream itself.---updates: i really dont want to polute this issue--- here is how i use vim-repeat with hop.nvim (in a very limited way).
local function repeatable_hop(chars) assert(chars ~= nil) last_chars = chars hop.hint_with(builtin_targets.jump_targets_by_scanning_lines(builtin_targets.regex_by_case_searching(chars, true, {})), hop.opts) vim.fn["repeat#set"](":lua require'change-me-to-a-real-moudle-name'.repeats()\r") end M.repeats = function() if last_chars == nil then return end repeatable_hop(last_chars) end
hey this is great! thanks for sharing!
@haolian9 would you mind expanding just a bit more on your example? for instance, what is invoking your repeatable_hop/1
function? thanks!
I've adapted to my config, however, am missing the piece of how to actually call repeatable_hop/1:
local hop = require("hop")
local jump_target = hop.jump_target
local last_chars
local function repeatable_hop(chars)
assert(chars ~= nil)
last_chars = chars
jump_target.jump_targets_by_scanning_lines(jump_target.regex_by_case_searching(chars, true, {})),
vim.fn["repeat#set"](":lua mega.fn.hop_repeater()\r")
mega.fn.hop_repeater = function()
if last_chars == nil then return end
@megalithic glad you liked it, i scratched a simple rewrite of hop.hint_char1
. for more complicate uses, the behavior of Hop may vary between people's needs.
here's that same script without the need for vim-repeat (I haven't tested it thoroughly, though)
local hop = require("hop")
local builtin_targets = require("hop.jump_target")
_G._repeated_hop_state = {
last_chars = nil,
count = 0,
_G._repeatable_hop = function ()
for i=1,_G._repeated_hop_state.count do
_G._repeated_hop_state.last_chars, true, {})),
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", [[f]],
local char
while true do
vim.api.nvim_echo({ { "hop 1 char:", "Search" } }, false, {})
local code = vim.fn.getchar()
-- fixme: custom char range by needs
if code >= 61 and code <= 0x7a then
-- [a-z]
char = string.char(code)
elseif code == 0x20 or code == 0x1b then
-- press space, esc to cancel
char = nil
if not char then return end
-- setup the state to pickup in _G._repeatable_hop
_G._repeated_hop_state = {
last_chars = char,
count = (vim.v.count or 0) + 1
vim.go.operatorfunc = "v:lua._repeatable_hop"
-- return this↓ to run that↑
return "g@l" -- see expr=true
end , { noremap = true,
-- ↓ see "g@l"
expr = true})
this whole code can go anywhere, your init.lua or a separate lua source file
I have a feature request which I actually yes pretty often because I'm addicted to repeating motions via dot. Is it possible to add dot repeat support?
For example, if I have mapped
key and I press motion like:dfvi
(delete find vi) it shows me the first occurrence in line ass
. I click "s" and everything to "vi" is deleted as expected. Then I would like to go to next line where there is some word starting on "vi" and just delete find vi again via simply clicking dot.Thanks!