hakamadare / webservice-pushover

WebService-Pushover - Perl support for Pushover API
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Allow user and API key to be provided at object construction #5

Closed pjf closed 10 years ago

pjf commented 10 years ago

I would love to provide the API and user key at object construction, so I can just use $push->message( message => 'Hello World' ); in code.

In fact, I'd really love to use $push->message( 'Hello World' ) (ie, if we receive an odd number of arguments, then the first is presumed to be the message itself).

I can write my own wrappers for this, but if you're happy with that functionality being part of the module design, then I can write and send through some commits.

~ pjf

hakamadare commented 10 years ago

sure, i'm not fundamentally opposed to this idea; it seems like a nice option for streamlined code; i'd be happy to merge any changes that don't break backwards compatibility.

pjf commented 10 years ago

Have patches written. Doing some live tests now. :)