@guqing: The label(s) kind/priority/critical-urgent cannot be applied, because the repository doesn't have them.
In response to [this](https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/issues/2710):
>### Your current Halo version
>### Describe this feature
>目前删除附件的逻辑是 Console 端处理的:
>1. 选择删除并将附件移动至未分组时,会在前端批量调用更新附件的接口,将所有附件的 groupRef 置空。
>2. 选择删除并同时删除附件时,会在前端批量调用删除附件接口。
>期望在 Group 中加上 finalizer,如果删除 Group 则在 reconciler 中先删除其下的所有附件,再移除 finalizer。
>如果需要让用户决定是否级联删除附件,可以在 Group 中加上 spec.cascadeDelete=false 字段。
>更多信息参考 https://github.com/halo-dev/console/pull/695
>### Additional information
>/kind improvement
>/area core
>/kind priority/critical-urgent
Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available [here](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/guide/pull-requests.md). If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the [kubernetes/test-infra](https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/new?title=Prow%20issue:) repository.
Your current Halo version
Describe this feature
目前删除附件的逻辑是 Console 端处理的:
期望在 Group 中加上 finalizer,如果删除 Group 则在 reconciler 中先删除其下的所有附件,再移除 finalizer。 如果需要让用户决定是否级联删除附件,可以在 Group 中加上 spec.cascadeDelete=false 字段。
Additional information
/kind improvement /area core /label priority/critical-urgent