hammerlab / cytokit

Microscopy Image Cytometry Toolkit
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Segmentation Methodology #5

Open eric-czech opened 6 years ago

eric-czech commented 6 years ago

Relevant section from the CODEX preprint:

A 3D segmentation algorithm was therefore created to combine information from the nuclear staining and a ubiquitous membrane marker (in this case CD45) to define single-cell boundaries in crowded images such as lymphoid tissues. For each segmented object (i.e., cell) a marker expression profile, as well as the identities of the nearby neighbors were recorded (using Delaunay triangulation)


Expanding on that list a bit:

Models Specific to Medical Imaging

Generic Architectures

Comments from @nsamusik on some things to keep in mind:

My main thought at this point is that the segmentation itself is just the first step, there also has to be a second step, where cell boundaries are optimized concomitantly with estimating the single-cell expression vectors. This way both the optimized cell boundaries and the expression data will likely look more accurate.

As for the benchmarking, I am happy to share a hand-labelled dataset that I have generated for the CODEX paper revisions. Here, each TIFF is matched with a TXT file that contains the coordinates of hand-labeled cell centers (X, Y, Z). There are no cell outlines labelled here, just the centers. In order to assess the segmentation quality, I computed several measures: R = Recall (% of hand-labelled centeres that ended up within a segmented cell region), S= Singlets (of those, what % how many ended up in a cell region with exactly 1 hand-labelled center), FPR = False positive rate (% cell regions without a hand-labelled center). Then I combined the three in a harmonic mean 3/(1/R + 1/S + 1/(1-FPR))

here's the link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wUNaZ5dv2mDn_wwcSXlnfof6SwoQmlsq

eric-czech commented 6 years ago

Recommendations from Allen Goodman (works on CellProfiler):

Datasets for benchmarking:

Notes from the CellProfiler team on other methods they've considered

They also mentioned that simulation tools like cytopaq (used to generate some datasets in Broad Biomage Benchmark datasets were not useful.