hanatos / vkdt

raw photography workflow that sucks less
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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work package list towards production use #33

Closed hanatos closed 8 months ago

hanatos commented 2 years ago

the following lists and prioritises a few key features that need work to make vkdt useful for production use.

this is currently work in progress and certainly not in any good order yet or complete. shout if you see changes needed.


image processing/darkroom


trougnouf commented 2 years ago

pybind11 means support for python and its deep learning libraries? Yes please!

hanatos commented 2 years ago


aurelienpierre commented 2 years ago


aurelienpierre commented 2 years ago

Image processing pipeline

hanatos commented 2 years ago

..updated the list on top with a few of the suggestions.

as to auto-DAM/AI stuff: i'll avoid (past) hype train vocabulary :) and also darktable had a similar images search in the past and it was removed because nobody was using the feature. i think this is one of the features (maybe like timeline histogram) which is super cool if you see it first but gets boring quickly and does not really support everyday workflows at all.

as to hashes in databases: vkdt does not have a database (cf. bloatware). it works on directories and files on your harddrive. there is an option to delete selected images which i find useful because only once you worked on the image you can judge whether it's rubbish (not from the jpg thumb in your average file manager).

i do see a use case for sloppy/half way imports from CF/SD card and the value of software telling you that in fact these few images you already copied, but the others not yet. might think of a lightweight way of supporting this feature (probably similar the export, though i'm less sure about that case).

aurelienpierre commented 2 years ago

as to hashes in databases: vkdt does not have a database (cf. bloatware). it works on directories and files on your harddrive. there is an option to delete selected images which i find useful because only once you worked on the image you can judge whether it's rubbish (not from the jpg thumb in your average file manager).

I have had RAW pictures that did not survive 2 HDD copies and are now unlegible. The purpose of hashes is just reliability in long-time conservation. I was told that it is a concern too for humanities faculties, for collections of images that have scientific value and would benefit from periodic integrity checks (and maybe map it with backup restoration or something later). It can just go in the params file if there is no DB.

Regarding DAM, I'm more and more leaning toward a second app, compatible but self-enclosed, and possibly communicating with other apps through XMP. The reason is that no DAM app will please everyone, and some dt users already use Digikam or Rapid Photo Downloader for DAM in a non-efficient way. Making DAM strictly separated from the processing would allow third-party file managers that would just interface the same way, and improve interoperability with other RAW and raster processors.

as to auto-DAM/AI stuff: i'll avoid (past) hype train vocabulary :) and also darktable had a similar images search in the past and it was removed because nobody was using the feature. i think this is one of the features (maybe like timeline histogram) which is super cool if you see it first but gets boring quickly and does not really support everyday workflows at all.

It also happens that features are not used because GUI doesn't invite to using them, or doesn't advertise their existence. Tagging manually is very boring.

hanatos commented 2 years ago

yes, archival and extended database capability with multi-million images and their textual representations on a redundant cluster for async multi-million user access.. please let's have that in an outside application ;)

i do however support simple streamlined workflows that just require the occasional tag or filtering capability to get a specific job done. or rather: support a typical session from import to export, with everything that is normally needed in one application (workflow).

i'm thinking maybe some basic copy-from-sd-card could be part of this (though i don't want to link against dinosaurs for this), and so is assigning quick tags to collect images from multiple folders for a specific project.

the parameters (.cfg with graph configuration and uniforms for the glsl kernels) are strictly for non-gui non-dam image processing only. let's keep concerns separated as well as we can this time. labels and star ratings as well as filtering settings for a folder go into the vkdt.db text file. this would be the place for file integrity hashes and tags and the like.

aurelienpierre commented 2 years ago

yes, archival and extended database capability with multi-million images and their textual representations on a redundant cluster for async multi-million user access.. please let's have that in an outside application ;)

Of course, but that's what I'm saying. Just collect and store the data in this app and make it easily read/write-able for third-party scripts and apps that cover specialized uses. Current dt is not modular & transparent like this so we have a zillion options to try and cover all use cases. Making it easy for third-party to scratch vkdt DAM entirely and replace it with something else while still being able to connect seamlessly with darkroom/pipeline would avoid the need to support everything in the same monolith and be unable to optimize it for one defined use case deemed "typical".

labels and star ratings as well as filtering settings for a folder go into the vkdt.db text file. this would be the place for file integrity hashes and tags and the like.

Makes sense.

hanatos commented 2 years ago

Of course, but that's what I'm saying

yes, i didn't mean to disagree in that point. i guess i'm saying i'm willing to put in some support for very basic tagging and file importing etc in order to support a front-to-back workflow, starting with basic import and going all the way to basic creation of named collections for projects that span multiple jobs/folders. i think for most of these features there's a sweet spot where you can arrive at 90%+ of the functionality by using only 5% of the lines of code/maintenance burden/overengineering level.

will have to think about interoperability. it's probably a good idea to have standard xmp import/export (dublin core, say). i don't think going full xmp as we had done it in darktable did any good. just raised expectations of compatibility and then in reality things aren't this simple. of course really seamless integration into another application (using their main routine) is usually a lot of work on its own. probably made somewhat simpler by the relatively quick startup times that vkdt has now.

phweyland commented 2 years ago

Don't know if this is the right place to give opinion. If not, please let me know.

About tags, I have no production goal and therefore my preferences are different. If I understand properly, the plan is even less than the tags I've found in dt 2.3 when I started to play with it. It was supporting hierarchical tags but with a more than basic ui. With less than 8 characters, hierarchical tags are not really possible. It may be hopeless to see the feature extended externally if the core doesn't support it. This would be a bit disappointing for me.

The control of the metadata you want to include in your output projects' images is something where dt works correctly I think. But there must still be metadata to share of course.

About xmp, if you exclude the development data, the tags (no permanent tags) and keep only stars and colors, that should stay simple. In dt I see more issues on exif data which seem to turn more and more maker specific.

seamless integration into another application (using their main routine)

I don't understand this statement. What do you consider there ?

hanatos commented 2 years ago

Don't know if this is the right place to give opinion. If not, please let me know.

not a lot of noise here, so anything works :)

About tags, I have no production goal and therefore my preferences are different.

wait what? but you do have a use case in mind, no? i don't want to implement weight/complex features just so we have them. if you are actually using tags for some specific workflow/to solve an actual photography task feel free to open a separate issue and describe how such a typical session would proceed. that way we can see which features are actually required to solve the task.

as i said, i'm not into textual archival.. i always found hierarchical tags overly complicated, messy to work with (fill the list with the hierarchy and all the individual levels + all hierarchical recombinations..), and absolutely unnecessary for photography.

exif/xmp: to put that into perspective: vkdt does only optionally link against libexiv2, all necessary metadata comes from rawspeed. there is currently absolutely no metadata handling anywhere and to tell the truth it's another feature i don't miss. again, i'm open to support specific workflows that require this kind of data, but i'm not willing to include the feature just because and then end up with a complicated implementation, depending on heavy 3rd party libraries, that is rarely used and only half working.

re: integration with other DAM tools: that is about aurelien's idea to completely outsource the DAM to specific software that is dedicated to this task (digikam, say). the stars and labels are stored in a plain text file now (specific to each folder), so it's very easy to convert between that and xmp in an external tool (shellscript even).

phweyland commented 2 years ago

all necessary metadata comes from rawspeed

Great! Fine, Exif is out in that case.

if you are actually using tags for some specific workflow/to solve an actual photography task

I do use hierarchical tags along with my photography tasks. I guess other people will find this is not an actual photography task... But currently I'm happy to be able to do that inside dt, on lighttable, without having to switch to another DAM whatever. I can filter my images on these tags and, even more importantly, when exporting I can include (or not) the metadata (exif, xmp, iptc) I want based on these tags (country, location,..., author, and other images' descriptors).

feel free to open a separate issue and describe how such a typical session would proceed

Thanks, I'll do it.

phweyland commented 2 years ago

Thinking, ... lighttable is where the workflows can meet or diverge ... What about the possibility to launch vkdt darkroom as a [kind of] standalone executable for a single image (without reading the db, etc...) ? If it was possible, based on some specific workflows, the lighttable could be cloned / tweaked / changed, or even evolve to DAM, without losing the core benefits of vkdt. For export (and thumbnails...), there is already vkdt-cli which should work seamlessly.

hanatos commented 8 months ago

i consider this generally done. the tool works just fine for some production use cases. outstanding issues are probably better kept in more focussed tickets.