hansemannn / titanium-firebase-analytics

Use the Firebase Analytics SDK in Axway Titanium 🚀
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iOS build failed with no helpful error messages #51

Closed Sofianio closed 5 years ago

Sofianio commented 5 years ago

The app doesn't even build in iOS !!! Here's what I get:

[INFO]  Invoking xcodebuild
[ERROR] The following build commands failed:
[ERROR]         Ld /Users/Me/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/MyApp/build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyApp.app/MyApp normal x86_64
[ERROR] (1 failure)

I even tried older versions core 2.0.0 with analytics 1.4.0 with no success

Please help, thanks.

Sofianio commented 5 years ago


redouaneboudella commented 5 years ago

So i dug a little deeper, it seems that since we re using this module with the googlesignin module, that some dependencies on google'sdks are conflicting ...

Here is a stackoverflow question pertaining to the same issue link

Here is the same issue discussed for a native app when sdks are included without cocoapods Link

well cocoapods is quiet handy to handle symbol duplication ...

It seems like a dead end for now @hansemannn , any thoughts ?

Many thanks

hansemannn commented 5 years ago

You can remove the duplicate Google utils framework and it should work. Please advise the community for details.

redouaneboudella commented 5 years ago

Thanks @hansemannn for the quick reply (as always :) )

When you say delete the framework do you mean from the generated zip module or from the sources and then try to build it again ?

redouaneboudella commented 4 years ago

@hansemannn There is actually a note on the Firebase-Core module that mentions the solution, it would ve been of a good use to add the note on the googlesignin module also. The note goes as follows:

If you are also using Ti.GoogleSignIn you will probably have a duplicate symbols error. Both Ti.GoogleSignIn and this module share some common dependencies. In order to solve this conflict, remove the GTMSessionFetcher.framework and GoogleToolboxForMac.framework files from /modules/iphone/firebase.core//platform and rebuild your app.

hansemannn commented 4 years ago

@redouaneboudella Feel free to do a pull request on the Google Sign In repo. If you don't how to do that, google "github pull requests".